Manage Course Details

Course Type Course Code Course Name Duration Eligibility R. Fee Status Syllabus Operation
Computer CoursesDCTDMDiploma in Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making12 MonthsNon Matric0.00ACTIVE ,
ADCTAdvance Diploma In Cutting Tailoring6 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
ADHNPAdvance Diploma in Hardware Networking & Programming18 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
ADITAdvance Diploma in Information Technology12 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
DMGDiploma in Multimedia Graphics6 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
ADHTAdvance Diploma in Hardware Technology12 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
Operating TradeAutocadAutocad6 MonthsNon Matric0.00ACTIVE ,
CFACertificate in Financial Accounting6 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
DWDDiploma in Web Designing6 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
Operating TradeAutocadAutocad Civil3 MonthsMatric0.00ACTIVE ,
Civil & Mechanical CoursesADCSMAdvance diploma in Computer Software & Management15 MonthsNon Matric0.00ACTIVE ,
C ++Programming in C ++2 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
CFACertificate in Financial Accounting3 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
Computer CoursesDCTTDiploma in Computer Teacher Training (DCTT)12 MonthsGraduate0.00ACTIVE ,
Computer CoursesADCA PlusAdvance Diploma in Computer Application Plus12 MonthsMatric8500.00ACTIVE Fundamental (ADCA+),
Computer CoursesDOADiploma in Office Automation9 MonthsNon Matric0.00ACTIVE ,
DDTPDiploma in Deshktop Publishing9 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
DHNMDiploma in Hardware Networking & Management12 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
ADHNAdvance Diploma in Hardware & Networking12 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
ADMGAdvance Diploma in Multimedia Graphics12 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
HDCAHigher Diploma in Computer Application12 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
ADCPAAdvance Diploma in Computer Programming & Accounting12 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
AutocadAutocad Mechanical12 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
DCAPDiploma in Computer Application & Publication9 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
Computer CoursesDBHSDiploma in Beautician and Hair Styling12 MonthsMatric0.00ACTIVE HAIR CARE,
Computer CoursesADCAAdvance Diploma in Computer Application 12 MonthsMatric0.00ACTIVE Fundamental (ADCA+),
Computer Typing Computer TypingComputer Typing3 MonthsMatric0.00ACTIVE ,
Computer Typing Computer TypingComputer Typing6 MonthsNon Matric0.00ACTIVE ,
DCPDiploma in Computer Programming3 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
CFADCertificate in Financial Accounting & Publication6 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
DCPDiploma in Computer Programming6 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
Advance ExcelAdvance Excel1 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
HDITSMHigher Diploma in Information Technology & System Management18 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
DHNTDiploma in Hardware Networking Technology12 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
MRCMobile Repair Course3 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
CIFACertificate in Financial Accounting6 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
Computer CoursesADCPAdvance Diploma in Computer Programming 12 MonthsNon Matric0.00ACTIVE ,
DFADiploma in Financial Accounting6 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
HTMLHypertext Markup Language1 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
HDITHigher Diploma in Information Technology18 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
Web DesignerWeb Designer6 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
DCSDiploma in Computer Science12 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
DCADiploma in Computer Application6 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
DHTDiploma in Hardware Technology6 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
DFADiploma in Financial Accounting9 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
ADFDAdvance Diploma in Fashion Designing12 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
SEFSpeak English Fast4 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
DOAEDiploma in Office Administration Executive 12 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
CAFACertificate in Advance Financial Accounting4 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
DHNDiploma in Hardware Networking6 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
CCACertificate in Computer Application3 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
DITDiploma in Information Technology9 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
ADWDAdvance Diploma in Wed Designing12 Months0.00ACTIVE ,
Computer CoursesJAVAJAVA2 MonthsMatric200.00ACTIVE JAVA,
Computer CoursesDTPDesktop Publishing6 MonthsMatric0.00ACTIVE Photoshop,
Computer Typing Computer TypingComputer Typing2 MonthsMatric500.00ACTIVE ,
Computer Typing Computer TypingComputer Typing12 MonthsNon Matric0.00ACTIVE ,