Manage Question

Topics Question Operation
_________ shortcut key is used to show/hide type in Photoshop.

A. Ctrl+K
B. Ctrl+H
C. Ctrl+G
D. Ctrl+D
Ans. B
_________ shortcut key is used to display/hide hyperlink palette in PageMaker.

A. Ctrl+6
B. Ctrl+7
C. Ctrl+8
D. Ctrl+9
Ans. D
Which of the following country is the first one to implement GST to reduce tax-evasion?

B. China
C. France
D. Switzerland
Ans. C
The shortcut key used to print of any report in tally is……………….

A. Alt+P
B. Ctrl+P
C. Ctrl+v
D. None of these
Ans. A
Accounts only is used to maintain only the....................... transaction of the company.

A. Financial
B. Inventory
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
All tables are stored in the _____________.

A. Form
B. Queries
C. Report
D. Database
Ans. D
NIC stands for ____________________.

A. Network Interface Card
B. Network Internet Card
C. Network Interface Cable
D. Network Internet Cable
Ans. A
WMF stands for ____________________.

A. Windows Meta File
B. Windows Metafile Format
C. Windows Multimedia File
D. None of these
Ans. B
___________ tag defines a sequentially numbered list of items.

A. <OL>
B. <SN>
C. <NUM>
D. <NM>
Ans. A
WWW stands for _____________________________.

A. World Wide Website
B. World Wide Web
C. World Wipe Web
D. World Wipe Website
Ans. B
The file name extension of a PowerPoint 2010 file is __________.

Ans. B
Powerpoint is a product of ________________.

A. Adobe
B. Microsoft
D. Alphabet
Ans. B
Powerpoint is a _______________ application.

A. Presentation
B. Spreadsheet
Ans. A
In Excel 2010, the default file name extension is ___________.

D. None of these
Ans. B
______ shortcut key is used to display “Format Cells” dialog box In Excel.

A. Ctrl+1
B. Ctrl+2
C. Ctrl+3
D. Ctrl+4
Ans. A
There are _______________ rows in MS-Excel 2007.

A. 65536
B. 1048576
C. 1052378
D. 1032372
Ans. B
The small black square located in the lower-right corner of the heavy border around the active cell is called the ______________.

A. Range
B. Fill Handle
C. Source Area
D. Relative Reference
Ans. B
By default, a workbook opens with __________ blank worksheets.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. B
The default view for a worksheet is ___________________.

A. Basic View
B. Page View
C. Normal View
D. Standard View
Ans. C
By default, Excel positions text in a cell __________________.

A. Left
B. Right
C. Centre
D. Justify
Ans. A
An Excel file is called a _________________.

A. File
B. Document
C. Worksheet
D. Workbook
Ans. D
In MS-Word, to move to the left one word, press ________________ .

A. Left Arrow
B. Ctrl+Left Arrow
C. Alt+Left Arrow
D. Ctrl+Home
Ans. B
The _________ is the control center for MS-Word.

A. Ribbon
B. Status Bar
C. Tab
D. Ruler
Ans. A
A file name can have a maximum of ________ characters in MS-Word 2010.

A. 32
B. 100
C. 260
D. 1024
Ans. C
To store the current value in the memory of Calculator ................button is used.

C. M+
Ans. C
Word Wrap option is available in ……………….. Menu in Notepad.

A. File
B. Edit
C. Format
D. View
Ans. C
There are ……………. Menus in Notepad.

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Ans. C
To close any application, press...................

A. Ctrl+F4
B. Ctrl+Alt+Del
C. Ctrl+Alt+F4
D. Alt+F4
Ans. D
By Default taskbar appears at the .............. of the desktop screen.

A. Top
B. Bottom
C. Left
D. Right
Ans. B
The first Screen appears on monitor is called................... 

A. Icons
B. Desktop
C. Task Bar
D. Title Bar
Ans. B
Windows 2000 professional was the upgraded version of.......................

A. Windows 98
B. Windows XP
C. Windows Millennium Edition
D. Windows NT workstation 4.0
Ans. D
GUI Stands for..........................

A. Graph Utility Interchange
B. Graphical Utility Interchange
C. Graphical User Interface
D. Graph User Interface
Ans. C
MS-Windows is a/an ...................................

A. System Software
B. Application Software
C. Hardware Program
D. Utility Program
Ans. A
In DOS, a file name extension can have ___________ characters long.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 6
D. 8
Ans. B
Originally, DOS had been created by ___________________.

A. Tim Paterson
B. Bill Gates
C. Mark Zuckerberg
D. Steve Jobs
Ans. A
The first version of DOS was 1.0 and was launched in _____________.

A. 1980
B. 1981
C. 1982
D. 1983
Ans. B
____________ is a Multi-User Operating  System.

A. Windowsw NT
B. Linux
C. Unix
D. All of these
Ans. D
____________ provides an interface between the user and the hardware.

B. OS/2
D. Operating System
Ans. D
DOS is a _________________ Operating System.

A. Single Tasking
B. Multi Tasking
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
DOS stands for _______________________.

A. Dirty Operating System
B. Disk Operating System
C. Dynamic Operating System
D. Dual Operating System
Ans. B
Input, Output or Storing devices are the types of………………

B. Peripheral Devices
C. Storing Devices
D. None
Ans. B
The Air Conditioning is not required for ……………………..  computers.

A. First Generation
B. Second Generation
C. Third Generation
D. Fourth Generation
Ans. D
The first calculating device known as ……………………..

A. Analytical Engine
B. Abacus
C. Pascaline
D. Univac
Ans. B
The manipulation of data is called the ………………………..

A. Processing
B. Inputting
C. Outputting
D. Storing
Ans. A
GIGO stands for………………………

A. Garbage Input Garbage Out
B. Garbage In Garbage Output
C. Garbage In Garbage Out
D. Garbage In Goal Out
Ans. C
UNIVAC stands for…………………….

A. Universal Automatic Computer
B. Universal Automatic Compute
C. Universal Advance Computer
D. None
Ans. B
Charles Babbage was invented………………………… types of computer.

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Ans. B
Computers are used in …………………..

A. Education
B. Banking
C. Business
D. All
Ans. D
A Computer can perform ……………………………..operations.

A. Airthmetic
B. Logical
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. C
The word “Computer” derived from the Greek word …………

A. Calculate
B. Compute
C. Computing
D. Calculating
Ans. B
The __________ contains available commands and settings in CorelDraw.

A. Tool Box
B. Tool Bar
C. Docker
D. None of these
Ans. C
The first version of CorelDraw 2 was released in ____________.

A. 1991
B. 1996
C. 1999
D. 2002
Ans. A
CorelDraw X3 was released in _____________.

A. 2005
B. 2006
C. 2007
D. 2008
Ans. B
CorelDraw X3 is also known as _____________.

A. Version 11
B. Version 12
C. Version 13
D. Version 14
Ans. C
CorelDraw X3 is also known as _____________.

A. Version 11
B. Version 12
C. Version 13
D. Version 14
Ans. C
CorelDraw is developed and marketed by Corel Corporation of _________.

A. Canada
D. France
Ans. A
Stock-in-Hand includes..................

A. Materials
B. Stock of Raw
C. Stock of Finished Goods
D. All of the above
Ans. D
What is Unit of measurement...

A. Measurement of goods
B. Ledger Creation
C. Item Creation
D. All of the above
Ans. A
To open Help in Tally, press......................

A. Alt+C
B. Alt+H
C. Ctrl+A
D. Alt+W
Ans. B
Tally logo is displayed at the.............. of the Top area.

A. Right
B. Left
C. Centre
D. Bottom
Ans. B
First time when you start Tally, you would require to ...................... a company.

A. Select
B. Create
C. Restore
D. None of these
Ans. B
The ________ tool selects an object by drawing a freehand boarder arount it in Photoshop.

A. Marquee
B. Lasso
C. Polygonal Lasso
D. Magnetic Lasso
Ans. B
Every PhotoShop CS3 document contains at least __________ layer(s).

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Ans. A
In PhotoShop, the History palette can store upto __________ stages.

A. 18
B. 20
C. 22
D. 24
Ans. B
PhotoShop is a product of ______________.

A. Microsoft
B. Corel
C. Adobe
D. None of these
Ans. C
PhotoShop is a powerful _________________ program.

A. Graphics Editing
B. Spreadsheet
C. Presentation
D. Word Processing
Ans. A
The _____________ is the background behind the PageMaker document.

A. Pasteboard
B. Image Rate
C. Object
D. None of these
Ans. A
If the document is unnamed in PageMaker, the name displayed as ________.

A. File-1
B. Document-1
C. Untitled-1
D. None of these
Ans. C
PageMaker is available for _____________ systems.

A. Windows
B. Apple Mac
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. C
PageMaker is a product of ______________.

A. Microsoft
B. Corel
C. Adobe
D. None of these
Ans. C
PageMaker is a powerful ______________ application.

A. Spreadsheet
B. Word Processing
C. Database
D. None of these
Ans. D
MS Power Point
A presentation can include ______________.

A. Pictures
B. Sound
C. Video
D. All of these
Ans. D
MS Power Point
A PowerPoint presentation is made up of a series of __________.

A. Pages
B. Worksheets
C. Slides
D. Records
Ans. C
MS Power Point
The file name extension of a PowerPoint 2010 file is __________.

Ans. B
MS Power Point
Powerpoint is a product of ________________.

A. Adobe
B. Microsoft
D. Alphabet
Ans. B
MS Power Point
Powerpoint is a _______________ application.

A. Presentation
B. Spreadsheet
Ans. A
MS Excel
The default view for a worksheet is ___________________.

A. Basic View
B. Page View
C. Normal View
D. Standard View
Ans. C
MS Excel
The status bar appears at the ____________ of the Excel window.

A. Left
B. Right
C. Top
D. Bottom
Ans. D
MS Excel
By default, Excel positions number in a cell __________________.

A. Left
B. Right
C. Centre
D. Justify
Ans. B
MS Excel
By default, Excel positions text in a cell __________________.

A. Left
B. Right
C. Centre
D. Justify
Ans. A
MS Excel
An Excel file is called a _________________.

A. File
B. Document
C. Worksheet
D. Workbook
Ans. D
MS Word
In MS-Word, to move to the left one word, press ________________ .

A. Left Arrow
B. Ctrl+Left Arrow
C. Alt+Left Arrow
D. Ctrl+Home
Ans. B
MS Word
MS-Word has _______ Views.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. D
MS Word
MS-Word has _______ Views.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. D
MS Word
MS-Word has _______ Rulers.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. A
MS Word
The _________ is the control center for MS-Word.

A. Ribbon
B. Status Bar
C. Tab
D. Ruler
Ans. A
MS Word
A file name can have a maximum of ________ characters in MS-Word 2010.

A. 32
B. 100
C. 260
D. 1024
Ans. C
MS Windows
The first Screen appears on monitor is called...................

A. Icons
B. Desktop
C. Task Bar
D. Title Bar
Ans. B
MS Windows
Windows 2000 professional was the upgraded version of.......................

A. Windows 98
B. Windows XP
C. Windows Millennium Edition
D. Windows NT workstation 4.0
Ans. D
MS Windows
OS Stands for..........................

A. Original System
B. Operating Software
C. Operating System
D. Original Software
Ans. C
MS Windows
GUI Stands for..........................

A. Graph Utility Interchange
B. Graphical Utility Interchange
C. Graphical User Interface
D. Graph User Interface
Ans. C
MS Windows
MS-Windows is a/an ...................................

A. System Software
B. Application Software
C. Hardware Program
D. Utility Program
Ans. A
DOS supports _____________ at a time.

A. Single User
B. Single Task
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. C
DOS is a _________________ Operating System.

A. Single Tasking
B. Multi Tasking
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
DOS is a _________________ Operating System.

A. Single User
B. Multi User
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
DOS has been developed by Microsoft Corporation of _________________.

C. Germany
D. Japan
Ans. A
DOS stands for _______________________.

A. Dirty Operating System
B. Disk Operating System
C. Dynamic Operating System
D. Dual Operating System
Ans. B
Computer Fundamental
UNIVAC stands for___________.

A. Universal Automatic Computer
B. Universal Automatic Compute
C. Universal Advance Computer
D. None
Ans. B
Computer Fundamental
Charles Babbage was invented__________ types of computer.

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Ans. B
Computer Fundamental
Computers are used in ..

A. Education
B. Banking
C. Business
D. All
Ans. D
Computer Fundamental
A Computer can perform ..operations.

A. Airthmetic
B. Logical
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. C
Computer Fundamental
The word Computer derived from the Greek word

A. Calculate
B. Compute
C. Computing
D. Calculating
Ans. B
MS Word

Extension of Microsoft Document File is

A. docs
B. ppt
C. xls
D. npd
Ans. A
Computer Fundamental

Personal Computer are also called

A. micro computer
B. Analog COmputer
C. mainframe COmputer
D. Super computer
Ans. A
MS Excel A spreadsheet is a sheet which is spread in such a way that it divides itself into the various _____ and ______
A. Horizontal columns, vertical row
B. Horizontal table, vertical cell
C. Horizontal cell, vertical table
D. Horizontal row, vertical columns
Ans. D
MS Excel Press ______ to open the Excel formula window.
A. Shift + F3
B. Shift + F4
C. Shift + F5
D. Shift + F6
Ans. A
Which sign is used for absolute addressing?
A. @
B. $
C. &
D. *
Ans. B
MS Excel _____ creates a chart of the data in the current range.
A. Alt + F1
B. Ctrl + F1
C. Ctrl + Alt + F1
D. Esc + F1
Ans. A
______ inserts a new worksheet.
A. Alt + Shift + F1
B. Alt + Shift + F2
C. Alt + Shift + F3
D. Alt + Shift + F4
Ans. A
___ operator, combines multiple references into one reference.
A. Ampersand
B. Space
C. Comma
D. Colon
Ans. C
Which function displays row data in a column or column data in a row?
A. Rows
B. Transpose
C. Hyperlink
D. Index
Ans. B
What is the pictorial representation of worksheet data?
A. Chart
B. Clipart
C. WordArt
D. All of these
Ans. A
MS Excel Which of the following is an active cell in excel?
A. Cell address
B. Range
C. Formula
D. Current cell
Ans. D
The fill series dialog box in Excel has ____ sections.
A. 1
B. 3
C. 2
D. 4
Ans. D
Use the _____ to join, or concatenate, one or more text strings to produce a single piece of text.
A. Ampersand
B. Comma
C. Colon
D. Space
Ans. A
MS Windows Press ______ to saves the active file with its current file name, location, and file format.
A. Ctrl + S
B. Alt + S
C. Ctrl + Alt + Esc
D. Alt + Tab + Esc
Ans. A
Pre-defined and built in formulas in Excel are known as
A. Autosheets
B. Charts
C. Functions
D. Tables
Ans. C
MS Excel Press ______ to displays the format cell dialog box in MS Excel.
A. Ctrl + 1
B. Ctrl + 2
C. Ctrl + 4
D. Ctrl + 3
Ans. A
To displays the Find and Replace dialog box, with the Find tab selected press
A. Alt + F
B. Tab + F
C. Esc + F
D. Ctrl + F
Ans. D
Which Excel feature enables predefined layouts to selected tables in the worksheet?
A. Autograph
B. Autoformat
C. Header and Footer
D. Spelling and Grammar
Ans. B
Press ____ to close the window of MS Excel.
A. Esc
B. Ctrl + Alt + C
C. Alt + F4
D. Ctrl + W
Ans. C
____ was the first spreadsheet on a microcomputer.
A. VisiCalc
B. StarCalc
C. Lotus 1-2-3
D. Excel
Ans. A
How many rows are there in old version of MS Excel?
A. 65536
B. 65535
C. 65534
D. 65533
Ans. A
A ____ is rectangular grid of rows and columns used to enter data.
A. Cell
B. Spreadsheet
C. Worksheet
D. Workspace
Ans. B
Press ____ to make the text bold in MS Excel.
A. Ctrl + 1
B. Ctrl + 2
C. Ctrl + 3
D. Ctrl + 4
Ans. B
What is the default column width of MS Excel?
A. 5.5
B. 2.98
C. 6.49
D. 8.43
Ans. D
Which command is used to close the window of Excel?
A. Alt + F4
B. Ctrl + W
C. Ctrl + R
D. Ctrl + C
Ans. A
The default file extension of MS-Excel is
A. xlr
B. xls
C. exe
D. exl
Ans. B
To display the save as dialog box, press
A. F2
B. F3
C. F5
D. F12
Ans. D
____ is the intersection of a row with a column.
A. All of these
B. Column
C. Row
D. Cell
Ans. D
The result of a formula in a cell is the
A. Displayed value
B. Range
C. Value
D. Label
Ans. C
The worksheet names appear on tabs at the ____ of the workbook window.
A. Bottom right
B. Bottom left
C. Top left
D. Top right
Ans. B
Workbook is a collection of
A. Worksheets
B. Page set-up
C. Buttons
D. Diagrams
Ans. A
____ is a powerful tool used to create and format spreadsheets.
A. Adobe Photoshop CS
B. Mozilla Firefox
C. Microsoft Office PowerPoint
D. Microsoft Office Excel
Ans. D
In a spreadsheet, a ____ is a number you will use in a calculation.
A. Value
B. Cell
C. Field
D. Label
Ans. A
Which sign indicate to multiplication?
A. Asterisk
B. Caret
C. Percent sign
D. Forward slash
Ans. A
The ____ helps to identify various plotted data series.
A. X-axis
B. Y-axis
C. Gridlines
D. Legend
Ans. D
The letter and number of the intersecting column and row is the
A. Cell coordinates
B. Cell address
C. Cell position
D. Cell location
Ans. B
On an Excel sheet, the active cell is indicated by
A. A dark wide border
B. A dotted border
C. A blinking border
D. None of the above
Ans. A
Which of the following is the comparison operator?
A. *
B. ^
C. =
D. +
Ans. C
The result is a ___ value either TRUE or FALSE.
A. Logical
B. Arithmetic
C. Algorithm
D. Logarithm
Ans. A
Formulas in Excel are made up of ___
A. Only functions
B. Only symbols
C. Arithmetical operators and functions
D. Only arithmetic operators
Ans. C
Which of the following is the default numbers of worksheet in MS Excel?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 5
D. 3
Ans. D
To maximize the currently selected window, press
A. Ctrl+ F9
B. Ctrl+ F10
C. Ctrl+ F11
D. Ctrl+ F12
Ans. B
To minimize the currently selected window, press
A. Ctrl+ F10
B. Ctrl+ F9
C. Ctrl+ F12
D. Ctrl+ F11
Ans. B
Today motherboard typically use
A. 70 pin modules
B. 72 pin modules
C. 74 pin modules
D. 76 pin modules
Ans. B
What refers to the horizontal cells which can contain information?
A. Ribbon
B. Rows
C. Columns
D. Horizontal scrollbar
Ans. B
Excel documents are stored as files called
A. Workforce
B. Worksheets
C. Worktables
D. Workgroups
Ans. B
What is the default row height of MS Excel?
A. 12
B. 10
C. 13
D. 15
Ans. D
Which bar show the used formula of selected active cell?
A. Formula bar
B. Ribbon
C. Menu bar
D. Scroll bar
Ans. A
How many columns are there in old version of MS Excel?
A. 250
B. 256
C. 265
D. 269
Ans. B
This is not a function category in Excel.
A. Logical
B. Financial
C. Text
D. Data series
Ans. D
____ returns the least common multiple.
B. LCM()
Ans. B
Typed text showed in active cell and also in ___
A. Scroll bar
B. Formula bar
C. Ribbon
D. Title bar
Ans. B
The _____________ is the background behind the PageMaker document.
A. Pasteboard
B. Image Rate
C. Object
D. None of these
Ans. A
In MageMaker, __________ tool is used to create circular and oval shapes.
A. Rectangle
B. Ellipse
C. Polygon
D. None of these
Ans. B
There are _________ tools in the Toolbox in PageMaker.
A. 12
B. 13
C. 14
D. 15
Ans. D
The ____________ command is used to scan an image into te publication in PageMaker.
A. Export
B. Import
C. Acquire
D. Revert
Ans. C
There are _________ different styles for any typeface in PageMaker.
A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
D. 14
Ans. B
PageMaker provides _________ types of Kerning.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. B
________ adjusts the space between characters in PageMaker.
A. Kerning
B. Laeading
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
PageMaker includes _________ built in tracks from very loose to very tight.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. D
__________ is used to arrange a number of objects overlapping in the same layer.
A. Masking
B. Cropping
C. Stacking
D. None of these
Ans. C
There are ________ ways of stacking objects in PageMaker.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. C
_________ can be used to print on both the sides of the page in pageMaker.
A. Duplex
B. Thumbnails
C. Collate
D. None of these
Ans. A
_________ shortcut key is used to display/hide hyperlink palette in PageMaker.
A. Ctrl+6
B. Ctrl+7
C. Ctrl+8
D. Ctrl+9
Ans. D
_________ shortcut key is used to display/hide all palettes in PageMaker.
A. Tab
B. Ctrl+Tab
C. Alt+Tab
D. Shift+Tab
Ans. A
_________ shortcut key is used to "Save As" in PageMaker.
A. Ctrl+S
B. Shift+Ctrl+S
C. Shift+Alt+S
D. None of these
Ans. B
_________ shortcut key is used to close a document in PageMaker.
A. Ctrl+C
B. Ctrl+G
C. Ctrl+W
D. Ctrl+X
Ans. C
_________ shortcut key is used to go to a page in PageMaker.
A. Ctrl+G
B. Shift+G
C. Ctrl+Shift+G
D. Alt+Ctrl+G
Ans. D
_________ shortcut key is used to move to the next page in PageMaker.
A. Page Down
B. Ctrl+Page Down
C. Shift+Page Down
D. Alt+Page Down
Ans. A
______ function key is used to dsplay full screen preview of a drawing in CorelDraw.
A. F6
B. F7
C. F8
D. F9
Ans. D
There are two types of graphic files. They are Bitmap and ___________.
A. Vector
B. Image
C. Mono
D. None of these
Ans. A
The common file name extension of a CorelDraw file is ____________.
D. None of these
Ans. B
__________ changes the case of selected text in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+F3
B. Shift+F2
C. Shift+F3
D. Ctrl+F2
Ans. C
__________ opens the find dialog box in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+F3
B. Alt+F2
C. Alt+F3
D. Ctrl+F2
Ans. C
__________ opens dialog for specifying uniform colour fills in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+F11
B. Sfift+F11
C. Alt+F11
D. None of these
Ans. B
__________ function key specifies fountain fills for object in CorelDraw.
A. F9
B. F10
C. F11
D. F12
Ans. C
__________ opens dialog for changing colour balance in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+Shift+B
B. Ctrl+Shift+A
C. Ctrl+Shift+G
D. Ctrl+Shift+C
Ans. A
__________ opens the spell checker dialog box in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+F9
B. Ctrl+F10
C. Ctrl+F11
D. Ctrl+F12
Ans. D
__________ opens the options dialog box to the text page in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+F9
B. Ctrl+F10
C. Ctrl+F11
D. Ctrl+F12
Ans. B
__________ shows a list of the document text styles in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+Shift+S
B. Ctrl+Shift+A
C. Ctrl+Shift+G
D. Ctrl+Shift+C
Ans. A
__________ selects the freehand tool in CorelDraw.
A. F4
B. F5
C. F6
D. F8
Ans. B
The ..Option is used to view Stock items or Group Summary.
A. Accounts Book
B. Inventory Book
C. Display
D. Statutory Books
Ans. B
The shortcut of Receipt Note Voucher in tally is...
A. Alt+F9
B. Ctrl+F9
C. Ctrl+F8
D. None of these
Ans. A
What is Stock Summary in inventory?
A. Ledger
B. Report of Party
C. Statement of goods
D. Statement of transaction
Ans. C
Stock-in-Hand includes..................
A. Materials
B. Stock of Raw
C. Stock of Finished Goods
D. All of the above
Ans. D
The shortcut key used to print of any report in tally is.
A. Alt+P
B. Ctrl+P
C. Ctrl+v
D. None of these
Ans. A
The option used to exit tally is.....
A. Close
B. Exit
C. Quit
D. All of the above
Ans. C
All expenses and losses always having ..
A. Credit balance
B. Debit balance
C. Balance entered in voucher
D. None of these
Ans. B
Which of the following country is the first one to implement GST to reduce tax-evasion?
B. China
C. France
D. Switzerland
Ans. C
In the Tally Software, Which one of the following directories stores all data enter by the user?
A. Bin
B. Data
C. Database
D. None of these
Ans. B
Sumptuary Allowance has been given to the .
A. High Court Judges
B. Supreme Court Judges
C. Both of them
D. None of these
Ans. C
LWP stands for
A. Labour Work Policy
B. Labour Welfare Policy
C. Leave Without Pay
D. None of these
Ans. C
Tally is developed by..
B. Microsoft
C. Petronius
Ans. C
Tally is developed by..
B. Microsoft
C. Petronius
Ans. C
The country with highest GST Rate in the world is ?
A. India
B. China
C. France
D. Australia
Ans. D
To Delete the stock group Press
A. Ctrl+D
B. Ctrl+M
C. Alt+D
D. Alt+M
Ans. A
Inventory is a type of................
A. Inventory voucher
B. Accounting software
C. Working mode
D. None of these
Ans. C
Loan account group has ...............sub groups.
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
Ans. A
Paid Rent is related to................
A. None of these
B. Indirect expenses
C. Purchase account
D. Sales account
Ans. B
There are ............sub-groups of current liabilities.
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
Ans. A
There are two types of assets. They are Fixed assets and.............
A. Current assets
B. Provisions
C. Investments
D. None of these
Ans. A
Current assets have . sub-groups.
A. Four
B. Five
C. Six
D. Seven
Ans. C
Goodwill is a ...................
A. Investments
B. Fixed Assets
C. Current Assets
D. Liabilities
Ans. B
Stock-in-Hand includes..................
A. Stock of Finished Goods
B. Stock of Raw
C. Materials
D. All
Ans. D
Indirect Expenses include...............
A. Administrative expenses
B. Office expenses
C. Selling and Distribution expenses
D. All of above
Ans. D
Once a sub-group is created, It behaves exactly like a...............
A. Ledger
B. Information
C. Groups
D. All of above
Ans. A
You may create a new parent group by using...................... In Tally.
A. Alt+D
B. Alt+C
C. Ctrl+C
D. Ctrl+P
Ans. B
Tally automatically creates two ledger accounts i.e. Cash a/c and...............
A. Profit and Loss a/c
B. Bank a/c
C. Capital a/c
D. Suspense a/c
Ans. A
The............. is a statement of the financial position of the company.
A. Profit & Loss A/c
B. Balance Sheet
C. Daybook
D. None of these
Ans. B
A................... is a basic recording document.
A. Ledger
B. Transaction
C. Voucher
D. None of these
Ans. C
Vehicle is a.....................
A. Personal A/c
B. Real A/c
C. Nominal A/c
D. Capital A/c
Ans. B used for contra voucher.
A. F4
B. F7
C. F8
D. F9
Ans. A
F5 is used to..................
A. Payment Voucher
B. Journal Voucher
C. Purchases
D. Contra Voucher
Ans. A
.................... is a None-accounting Voucher.
A. Sales Voucher
B. Payment Voucher
C. Memorandum Voucher
D. Purchase Voucher
Ans. C
Tally does not post ....................... entries.
A. Purchase Voucher
B. Contra Voucher
C. Memorandum Voucher
D. None of these
Ans. C
Contra Voucher is used to enter only .................. types of transactions.
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
Ans. A
Payment Voucher is used to enter................... type of payments.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. All
Ans. D
..................Function key is used to enter Purchase Voucher in Tally.
A. F5
B. F7
C. F8
D. F9
Ans. D
LST Stands for.........................
A. Logical Sales Tax
B. Local Sales Tax
C. Low Sales Tax
D. None of these
Ans. B
LST belongs to.......................
A. Loan (liabilities)
B. Duties and taxes
C. Sales A/C
D. Current assets
Ans. B
The transaction between cash A/c to Bank A/c is entered through the..................
A. Payment Voucher
B. Purchase Voucher
C. Contra Voucher
D. Sales Voucher
Ans. C
A..................... is an adjustment voucher.
A. Memorandum voucher
B. Sales voucher
C. Payment voucher
D. Journal voucher
Ans. D
In ............................ entry, always debit aspect is entered first.
A. Contra
B. Receipt
C. Journal
D. Sales
Ans. D
.............. are used to enter the transaction related to sales return.
A. Debit note
B. Credit note
C. Journal
D. Payment
Ans. B
Debit note is used to enter the transaction related to.....................
A. Sales return
B. Payment
C. Cash
D. Purchase return
Ans. D
To enter memo voucher we use the functions key..............
A. Alt+O
B. Ctrl +F10
C. F10
D. None of these
Ans. C
General reports are prepared with the..................... In Tally.
A. Ledgers
B. Trial balance
C. Balance sheet
D. All of the above
Ans. D
Balance sheet displays the....................... of the company.
A. Capital
B. Assets
C. Liabilities
D. All of the above
Ans. D
To make duplicate of a voucher we use..................... In Tally.
A. Alt+D
B. Alt+O
C. Alt+E
D. Alt+C
Ans. C
In voucher entry at least .. statement of transaction can be included.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. A
To E-mail the report in Tally, we use..................
A. Alt+S
B. Alt+O
C. Alt+M
D. Alt+E
Ans. C
There ..............are primary account group and................. are sub-groups.
A. 14, 14
B. 13, 15
C. 15, 13
D. 16, 12
Ans. C
At the time of company creation, Tally creates two accounts. They are cash A/C and..............
A. Trading A/C
B. Profit and Loss A/C
C. Balance sheet
D. Capital A/C
Ans. B
.................. button is used to access the company features for a company.
A. F10
B. F11
C. F12
D. F9
Ans. B
............ Function key is used to access the configuration settings in Tally.
A. F2
B. F3
C. F11
D. F12
Ans. D
To delete a company IN Tally, press...............
A. Alt+C
B. Alt+D
C. Alt+W
D. Alt+M
Ans. B
You can use the select company option using .. button.
A. F1
B. F3
C. F5
D. F7
Ans. A
When creating a company, Tally creates the drive.
A. Folder
B. Directory
C. Sub- directory
D. File
Ans. B
By default the number of decimals places for the base currency is................
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. A
Inventory is a type of................
A. Inventory voucher
B. Accounting software
C. Working mode
D. None of these
Ans. C
To Delete the stock group Press
A. Ctrl+D
B. Ctrl+M
C. Alt+D
D. Alt+M
Ans. A
The country with highest GST Rate in the world is ?
A. India
B. Australia
C. China
D. France
Ans. B
Tally is developed by..
B. Microsoft
C. Petronius
Ans. C
LWP stands for
A. Labour Work Policy
B. Labour Welfare Policy
C. Leave Without Pay
D. None of these
Ans. C
Sumptuary Allowance has been given to the .
A. High Court Judges
B. Supreme Court Judges
C. Both of them
D. None of these
Ans. C
In the Tally Software, Which one of the following directories stores all data enter by the user?
A. Bin
B. Data
C. Database
D. None of these
Ans. B
Which of the following country is the first one to implement GST to reduce tax-evasion?
B. China
C. France
D. Switzerland
Ans. C
All expenses and losses always having ..
A. Credit balance
B. Debit balance
C. Balance entered in voucher
D. None of these
Ans. B
The option used to exit tally is.....
A. Close
B. Exit
C. Quit
D. All of the above
Ans. C
The shortcut key used to print of any report in tally is.
A. Alt+P
B. Ctrl+P
C. Ctrl+v
D. None of these
Ans. A
___________________are the screen elements of the Gateway of Tally.
A. Title Area
B. Main Area
C. Calculator Area
D. All of the abive
Ans. D
What is MRP?
A. Minimum Retail Price
B. Maximum Retail Price
C. Marginal Price
D. Market Price
Ans. B
The shortcut used to activate calculator is
A. Ctrl + A
B. Ctrl + B
C. Ctrl + M
D. Ctrl + N
Ans. D
We can create multiple users in Tally activating
A. Tally Audit
B. Use Security Control
C. Both 1 and 2
D. All of these
Ans. B
Single Entry mode is applicable for
A. Payment Voucher
B. Contra Voucher
C. Receipt Voucher
D. All of these
Ans. D
Tally package is developed by
A. Microsoft
B. Adobe Software
C. Apple Software
D. Tally Solutions
Ans. D
Tally.ERP 9 provides ________________ specialized features.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. C
Financial Accounting software is used to maintain daily business transactions like _______________________.
A. Purchase
B. Deposits
C. Sales
D. All of the above
Ans. D
_________ shortcut key is used to show/hide type in Photoshop.
A. Ctrl+K
B. Ctrl+H
C. Ctrl+G
D. Ctrl+D
Ans. B
First time when you start Tally, you would require to ...................... a company.
A. Select
B. Create
C. Restore
D. None of these
Ans. B
__________ opens the spell checker dialog box in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+F9
B. Ctrl+F10
C. Ctrl+F11
D. Ctrl+F12
Ans. D
Shortcut key to select "Slice Tool" in Photoshop is ___________.
A. K
B. S
C. H
D. L
Ans. A
_________ can be used to print on both the sides of the page in pageMaker.
A. Duplex
B. Thumbnails
C. Collate
D. None of these
Ans. A
in MySQL, the file created by the server to store the database attribute is ____________.
A. db.otp
C. db.opt
D. db.cls
Ans. C
In MySQL, the SMALLINT data type can store data upto _______ digits.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. D
When you initially create a database, you define its ____________.
A. Size
B. Properties
C. Structure
D. Field
Ans. C
The ____________ command breaks the connection to the Server.
A. Break
B. Exit
C. Logout
D. Quit
Ans. C
The _________________ is a head of a computer network.
A. Programmer
B. Application User
C. Data Entry Operator
D. System Administrator
Ans. D
A node is also called a _____________.
A. Network
B. Terminal
C. Hub
D. Server
Ans. B
________________ software provides animation tools.
A. Animator Pro
B. Animation Master
C. 3D Studio Max
D. All of these
Ans. D
________________ is related to Animation.
A. Morphing
B. Spooling
C. Sampling
D. None of these
Ans. A
Microphone is a/an _______________ device.
A. Input
B. Output
C. Storage
D. None of these
Ans. A
The HTML Tag gives the instructions to the _____________.
A. Computer
B. Browser
C. HTML Editor
D. None of these
Ans. B
The commonly used image files are _____________________.
D. All of these
Ans. D
WWW stands for _____________________________.
A. World Wide Website
B. World Wide Web
C. World Wipe Web
D. World Wipe Website
Ans. B
Standard ___________ are associated with all Microsoft documents.
A. Indicators
B. File Sizes
C. Properties
D. None of these
Ans. C
Use the ____________ to display different slides in the document window.
A. Horizontal scroll bar
B. Vertical scroll bar
C. Key Tip Badge
D. None of these
Ans. B
PowerPoint ___________ text that exceeds the width of the placeholder.
A. deletes
B. wraps
C. centres
D. highlights
Ans. B
_________ are pop-up notes that can be inserted into the worksheet.
A. Remarks
B. Notes
C. Comments
D. Cell Info
Ans. C
An Excel ___________ is a single spreadsheet.
A. Worksheet
B. Cell
C. Row
D. Column
Ans. A
_______________ shortcut key is used to hide the selected row.
A. Ctrl+6
B. Ctrl+7
C. Ctrl+8
D. Ctrl+9
Ans. D
______ shortcut key is used to display “Format Cells” dialog box In Excel.
A. Ctrl+1
B. Ctrl+2
C. Ctrl+3
D. Ctrl+4
Ans. A
___________ function returns the largest value in the range in Excel.
A. High()
B. Large()
C. Max()
D. Count()
Ans. C
Excel displays the error message ___ in cells to indicate a cell reference error.
A. #REF#
B. #REF!
C. *REF*
D. !REF#
Ans. B
MS-Excel has ____________________ component(s).
A. Spreadsheet
B. Database
C. Graphs
D. All of these
Ans. D
____________ shortcut key is used to get Print Preview in Word.
A. Ctrl+F2
B. Ctrl+F3
C. Ctrl+F4
D. Ctrl+F5
Ans. A
____________ function key is used to activate menus in MS-Word.
A. F9
B. F10
C. F11
D. F12
Ans. B
____________ is the third Ribbon Tab of MS-Word 2010.
A. Page Layout
B. Formulas
C. Insert
D. None of these
Ans. A
A ___________ is a large capital letter at the beginning of a text.
A. Signature Line
B. Word Art
C. Drop Cap
D. None of these
Ans. C
To ___________ on a document is to allow users to work with others.
A. Collaborate
B. Merge
C. Comment
D. Track Changes
Ans. A
A/an ____________ is a note inserted in a document.
A. Mark
B. Object
C. Comment
D. Reference
Ans. C
In MS-Word, a file is known as a ____________________.
A. Project
B. File
C. Document
D. Workbook
Ans. C
The extension of a picture file is ……………………….
D. None of these
Ans. C
…………….. is used to switch between open programs in Windows.
A. Alt+Tab
B. Ctrl+Tab
C. Shift+Tab
D. None of these
Ans. A
…………………program has no menu bar.
A. Character Map
B. Phone Dialer
C. Calculator
D. None of these
Ans. A
Sin, Cos and Tan buttons are available in……………………….view of Calculator.
A. Standard
B. Advance
C. Scientific
D. Mathematical
Ans. C
To store the current value in the memory of Calculator ................button is used.
C. M+
Ans. C
………………..option is used to transparent the drawing.
A. Invert
B. Flip
C. Draw Opaque
D. None of these
Ans. D
There are _________ types of DOS commands.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. A
DOS has been developed by Microsoft Corporation of _________________.
C. Germany
D. Japan
Ans. A
____________ is a Multi-Tasking Operating System.
A. Windowsw NT
B. Linux
C. Unix
D. All of these
Ans. D
In DOS, ______________ commands are parts of a file called COMMAND.COM
A. Internal
B. External
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
The ………….………… is logically positioned between the internal memory and main memory.
A. Primary Memory
B. Auxiliary Memory
C. Cache Memory
D. None
Ans. C
The two major categories of Number system are…………………………
A. Binary & Decimal
B. Positional & Non-positional
C. Positional & Octal
D. Decimal & Octal
Ans. B
The hardware components are classified as…………………………
B. Peripheral Devices
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. C
Analog, Digital & Hybrid computers are classified on the basis of…………………….
A. Data Handling
B. Functionality
C. Both A & B
D. Size
Ans. A
The Air Conditioning is not required for …………………….. computers.
A. First Generation
B. Second Generation
C. Third Generation
D. Fourth Generation
Ans. D
Originally, the term ‘generation’ was used to distinguish between varying……………….
A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. A
Advantages of computers are……………..
A. Speed
B. Accuracy
C. Diligence
D. All
Ans. D
The Third Generation computers are based on …………………….
A. Microprocessor
B. Vaccum Tubes
C. Integrated Circuit
D. Transistor
Ans. C
What is Compound Unit.........................
A. Dozen
B. Liters
C. Pairs
D. All of the above
Ans. D
In the Tally Software, Which one of the following directories stores all data enter by the user?
A. Bin
B. Data
C. Database
D. None of these
Ans. B
What is Stock Summary in inventory?
A. Ledger
B. Report of Party
C. Statement of goods
D. Statement of transaction
Ans. C
We can get the report of interest from………..
A. Account Books
B. Cash & Fund Flow
C. Inventory Book
D. Statement of A/c
Ans. A
Tally is developed by………..
B. Microsoft
C. Petronius
Ans. C
Balance sheet displays the....................... of the company.
A. Capital
B. Assets
C. Liabilities
D. All of the above
Ans. D
To enter memo voucher we use the functions key..............
A. Alt+O
B. Ctrl +F10
C. F10
D. None of these
Ans. C
.............. are used to enter the transaction related to sales return.
A. Debit note
B. Credit note
C. Journal
D. Payment
Ans. B
LST Stands for.........................
A. Logical Sales Tax
B. Local Sales Tax
C. Low Sales Tax
D. None of these
Ans. B
_____________ shortcut key is used to delete the current record in Access.
A. Ctrl+Minus Sign
B. Alt+Minus Sign
C. Shift+Minus Sign
D. None of these
Ans. A
Column headings are often contained within the __________ section.
A. Report Header
B. Report Footer
C. Page Header
D. Page Footer
Ans. C
_____________ shortcut key is used to display Properties dialog box.
A. CtrL+Enter
B. Alt+Enter
C. Ctrl+Alt+Enter
D. None of these
Ans. B
Reports can be displayed in ______ views in MS-Access.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. C
___________ symbols are used to represent "Not equal to" in a query.
A. <<
B. >>
C. ><
D. <>
Ans. D
ISP stands for __________________________.
A. Internet Service Protocol
B. Internet Service Provider
C. Internet System Protocol
D. Internet System Provider
Ans. B
A _____________ is a set of rules.
A. Topology
B. Protocol
D. Netwoking
Ans. B
First of all the Internet had been used in _______________.
B. France
C. China
Ans. D
The ____________ command is used to log into the Server.
A. Entry
B. Login
C. Logout
D. Braek
Ans. B
_____________ is a Sound File.
D. All of these
Ans. D
JPEG stands for _____________________.
A. Joint Photographic Experts Group
B. Joint Photo Expert Group
C. Joint Picture Expert Group
D. None of these
Ans. A
Win Amp is used to play all types of ____________ files.
A. Audio
B. Video
C. Animation
D. All of these
Ans. A
The process of converting analog video signal to digital format is called ________.
A. Morphing
B. Sampling
C. Spooling
D. None of these
Ans. B
________________ software provides animation tools.
A. Animator Pro
B. Animation Master
C. 3D Studio Max
D. All of these
Ans. D
___________ tag defines end of a paragraph.
A. <END>
B. <P>
C. </END>
D. </P>
Ans. D
___________ tag defines background colour.
Ans. B
The topmost tag of an HTML file is _______________.
Ans. A
___________ tag puts a horizontal line on the page.
B. <HOR>
C. <HR>
D. <HL>
Ans. C
In Excel, a formula begins with _________ symbol.
A. Dollar
B. Ampersand
C. Plus
D. None of these
Ans. C
_______________ shortcut key is used to hide the selected row.
A. Ctrl+6
B. Ctrl+7
C. Ctrl+8
D. Ctrl+9
Ans. D
_________ shortcut key is used to enter the current system time in a cell.
A. Ctrl+Shift+,
B. Ctrl+Shift+:
C. Ctrl+Shift+;
D. Ctrl+Shift+<
Ans. C
PV ( ) is a _____________ function.
A. Mathematical
B. Financial
C. Statistical
D. None of these
Ans. B
Len ( ) is a _____________ function.
A. Text
B. Logical
C. Mathematical
D. Financial
Ans. A
The shortcut key to indent a paragraph from the left is _______________.
A. Ctrl+L
B. Ctrl+T
C. Ctrl+M
D. Ctrl+H
Ans. B
To create a Line Break in MS-Word, press _____________.
A. Alt+Enter
B. Break
C. Shift+Enter
D. Ctrl+Enter
Ans. D
____________ shortcut key is used to open Font dialog box in MS-Word.
A. Ctrl+D
B. Ctrl+G
C. Ctrl+K
D. None of these
Ans. A
____________ shortcut key is used to open a document in Word.
A. Ctrl+F9
B. Ctrl+F10
C. Ctrl+F11
D. Ctrl+F12
Ans. D
____________ function key is used to activate menus in MS-Word.
A. F9
B. F10
C. F11
D. F12
Ans. B
The _______________ allows you to view synonyms in MS-Word
A. Proof reading
B. Thesaurus
C. Spell Check
D. Translate
Ans. B
A _____________ is text that appears at the top of each page.
A. Legend
B. Header
C. Footer
D. Section
Ans. B
……………… is used to select all items.
A. Ctrl+H
B. Ctrl+A
C. Ctrl+M
D. None of these
Ans. B
EXE is the Extension of …………………………………
A. Internet Files
B. Executable Files
C. Animation Files
D. Video Files
Ans. B
........................ is used to draw the boxes and rectangular.
A. Polygon
B. Ellipse
C. Curve
D. Box Tool
Ans. D
The ………………………….. feature(s) is/are available in WordPad.
A. Tab
B. Ribbon
C. Quick Access Toolbar
D. All of these
Ans. D
Undo option is available in ……………….. Menu in Notepad.
A. File
B. Edit
C. Format
D. View
Ans. B
In DOS, ______________ commands are parts of a file called COMMAND.COM
A. Internal
B. External
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
___________ Command is used to return to the Root Directory in MS-DOS.
A. CD\
B. CD/
C. MD\
D. MD/
Ans. A
A DOS file name has ______ parts.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. None of these
Ans. A
Advantages of computers are……………..
A. Speed
B. Accuracy
C. Diligence
D. All
Ans. D
The Difference Engine was based on the……………….principle.
A. Mathematical
B. Statically
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. A
The first mechanical adding machine was invented by Blaise Pascal in …………..
A. 1642
B. 1742
C. 1842
D. 1942
Ans. A
Sumptuary Allowance has been given to the ………………………….
A. High Court Judges
B. Supreme Court Judges
C. Both of them
D. None of these
Ans. C
All expenses and losses always having …………..
A. Credit balance
B. Debit balance
C. Balance entered in voucher
D. None of these
Ans. B
The shortcut of Receipt Note Voucher in tally is………...
A. Alt+F9
B. Ctrl+F9
C. Ctrl+F8
D. None of these
Ans. A
Indirect Expenses include...............
A. Administrative expenses
B. Office expenses
C. Selling and Distribution expenses
D. All of above
Ans. D
Current assets have ………………. sub-groups.
A. Four
B. Five
C. Six
D. Seven
Ans. C
There are two types of assets. They are Fixed assets and.............
A. Current assets
B. Provisions
C. Investments
D. None of these
Ans. A
Paid Rent is related to................
A. None of these
B. Indirect expenses
C. Purchase account
D. Sales account
Ans. B
_____________ shortcut key is used to add new record in Access.
A. Ctrl+Plus Sign
B. Ctrl+1
C. Ctrl+Ampersand
D. None of these
Ans. A
We use __________ to select the source of the record in a report.
A. Control Source
B. Data Source
C. Entry Source
D. Record Source
Ans. D
When you initially create a database, you define its ____________.
A. Size
B. Properties
C. Structure
D. Field
Ans. C
_____________ shortcut key turns Microsoft Access Auto Filter On/Off
A. Ctrl+G
B. Ctrl+H
C. Ctrl+K
D. Ctrl+T
Ans. D
___________ are used to retrieve specific records from a table.
A. Queries
B. Forms
C. Tables
D. Modules
Ans. A
A Modem is a/an ____________________.
A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Application
D. Tool
Ans. B
The ____________ command breaks the connection to the Server.
A. Break
B. Exit
C. Logout
D. Quit
Ans. C
A node is also called a _____________.
A. Network
B. Terminal
C. Hub
D. Server
Ans. B
Jet Audio software is marketed by ______________.
A. Microsoft
D. None of these
Ans. C
.DAT is a/an ________________ file.
A. Audio
B. Video
C. Animation
D. Hypermedia
Ans. B
WMF stands for ____________________.
A. Windows Meta File
B. Windows Metafile Format
C. Windows Multimedia File
D. None of these
Ans. B
___________ tag defines a sequentially numbered list of items.
A. <OL>
B. <SN>
C. <NUM>
D. <NM>
Ans. A
A/An _____________ is the property of an HTML tag.
A. Container Tag
B. Empty Tag
C. Attribute
D. Element
Ans. C
The commonly used image files are _____________________.
D. All of these
Ans. D
___________ is the rearrangement of data.
A. Sorting
B. Filtering
C. Filling
D. Pivot Table
Ans. A
___________ function returns the current system date & time in Excel.
A. Date()
B. Now()
C. Day()
D. None of these
Ans. B
____________ calculates the payment for a loan.
A. PV()
B. FV()
C. PMT()
D. None of these
Ans. C
Now ( ) is a _____________ function.
A. Mathematical
B. Financial
C. Statistical
D. None of these
Ans. D
If ( ) is a _____________ function.
A. Text
B. Logical
C. Mathematical
D. Financial
Ans. B
____________ shortcut key is used to align centre in MS-Word.
A. Ctrl+O
B. Ctrl+E
C. Ctrl+J
D. Ctrl+V
Ans. B
____________ function key is used to check spelling in a document.
A. F5
B. F6
C. F7
D. F8
Ans. C
The _______________ allows you to view synonyms in MS-Word
A. Proof reading
B. Thesaurus
C. Spell Check
D. Translate
Ans. B
A _____________ is a macro that is unavailable to Word.
A. Locked macro
B. Disabled macro
C. Blocked macro
D. Closed source macro
Ans. B
If the ____________ displays a Signatures button, the document has an invisible signature.
A. Ribbon
B. Quick Access Toolbar
C. Task bar
D. Status bar
Ans. D
Comments appear in ___________ color in the Code window.
A. Green
B. Red
C. Blue
D. Black
Ans. A
Shortcut keys to open the Search (Find) window is ……………………..
A. Windows button+F
B. Windows button+E
C. Windows button+G
D. Windows button+D
Ans. A
…………………… tool is used to zoom in to a particular part of the picture.
A. Pick Color
B. Magnifier
C. Pencil
D. Brush
Ans. B
……………. option moves the cursor to the next line automatically.
A. Word wrap
B. Set font
C. Strikethrough
D. Superscript
Ans. A
Control Box contains ………………………..
A. Minimize button
B. Maximize button
C. Close button
D. All of these
Ans. D
The extension of Notepad file is……………………….
Ans. C
In Windows, opened programs are displayed on the………………….
A. Task Bar
B. Status Bar
C. Desktop
D. Title Bar
Ans. A
___________ command is used to moov one directory back in MS-Dos.
A. CD.
B. CD..
C. MD.
D. MD..
Ans. B
There are __________ types of Wildcard Characters in MS-DOS.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. A
______________ command is used to create a new file in DOS.
D. None of these
Ans. D
___________ commands are loaded in the memory while booting the system.
A. Internal
B. External
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
Every disk has one basic directory, called __________________.
A. DOS Directory
B. Prompt Directory
C. First Directory
D. Root Directory
Ans. D
Desktop and Portable Computers are the example of ………………computer.
A. Mini Computer
B. Super Computer
C. Mainframe Computer
D. Micro Computer
Ans. D
Analog, Digital & Hybrid computers are classified on the basis of…………………….
A. Data Handling
B. Functionality
C. Both A & B
D. Size
Ans. A
The Computer Generation is classified into …………………categories.
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
Ans. C
…………………was the first all electronic computer designed by Professor J.Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
Ans. D
Abacus also known as ……………………
A. Sorobon
B. Napier Bones
C. Pascal
D. None
Ans. A
The first calculating device known as ……………………..
A. Analytical Engine
B. Abacus
C. Pascaline
D. Univac
Ans. B
The manipulation of data is called the ………………………..
A. Processing
B. Inputting
C. Outputting
D. Storing
Ans. A
A _______________ is a pictorial representation of data in a worksheet.
A. Solver
B. Clipart
C. Pivot Table
D. Graphs
Ans. D
In Excel, to enter a number as a text, start the entry with the symbol _______.
A. Asterisk
B. Hyphen
C. Semicolon
D. Apostrophe
Ans. D
Standard ___________ are associated with all Microsoft documents.
A. Indicators
B. File Sizes
C. Properties
D. None of these
Ans. C
When you disassemble a clip art picture in PowerPoint, it becomes a _______.
A. Drawing Object
B. Drawing Clip
C. Drawing Graphic
D. None of these
Ans. A
_________ shortcut key is used to display/hide colour palette in PageMaker.
A. Ctrl+B
B. Ctrl+J
C. Ctrl+I
D. Ctrl+S
Ans. B
_________ can be used to print on both the sides of the page in pageMaker.
A. Duplex
B. Thumbnails
C. Collate
D. None of these
Ans. A
Every PhotoShop CS3 document contains at least __________ layer(s).
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Ans. A
In PhotoShop, the History palette can store upto __________ stages.
A. 18
B. 20
C. 22
D. 24
Ans. B
__________ opens the find dialog box in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+F3
B. Alt+F2
C. Alt+F3
D. Ctrl+F2
Ans. C
__________ draws ellipses and circles in CorelDraw.
A. F3
B. F5
C. F7
D. F9
Ans. C
__________ shows a list of the document text styles in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+Shift+S
B. Ctrl+Shift+A
C. Ctrl+Shift+G
D. Ctrl+Shift+C
Ans. A
__________ changes the case of selected text in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+F3
B. Shift+F2
C. Shift+F3
D. Ctrl+F2
Ans. C
There are two types of graphic files. They are Bitmap and ___________.
A. Vector
B. Image
C. Mono
D. None of these
Ans. A
The common file name extension of a CorelDraw file is ____________.
D. None of these
Ans. B
_________ function key is used to show Brushes Palette in Photoshop.
A. F3
B. F4
C. F5
D. F6
Ans. C
Shortcut key to select "Slice Tool" in Photoshop is ___________.
A. K
B. S
C. H
D. L
Ans. A
In Photoshop, the Grayscale mode uses ________ shades of gray.
A. 255
B. 256
C. 275
D. 276
Ans. B
In Photoshop, an image is genrerally saved at _______________ resolution.
A. 68 PPI
B. 72 PPI
C. 78 PPI
D. 82 PPI
Ans. B
The ________ tool selects an object by drawing a rectangle arount it in Photoshop.
A. Marquee
B. Lasso
C. Polygonal Lasso
D. Magnetic Lasso
Ans. A
There are ________ ways of stacking objects in PageMaker.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. C
_________ shortcut key is used to display/hide all palettes in PageMaker.
A. Tab
B. Ctrl+Tab
C. Alt+Tab
D. Shift+Tab
Ans. A
_________ shortcut key is used to display/hide style palette in PageMaker.
A. Ctrl+B
B. Ctrl+J
C. Ctrl+I
D. Ctrl+S
Ans. A
__________ is used to arrange a number of objects overlapping in the same layer.
A. Masking
B. Cropping
C. Stacking
D. None of these
Ans. C
________ adjusts the space between characters in PageMaker.
A. Kerning
B. Laeading
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
A ________ master has at least one layout, such as Two Content and Picture with Caption.
A. Slide
B. Handout
C. Print
D. Notes
Ans. A
You can add meaningful text to a shape by inserting a _____________.
A. Text Pointer
B. Text Box
C. Smart Art Graphic
D. None of these
Ans. B
A ___________ is a list with several levels of indented text.
A. Nested List
B. Formating List
C. Bulleted List
D. Numbered List
Ans. A
A _____________ is a set of colours, fonts and special effects.
A. Theme
B. Animation
C. Transition
D. None of these
Ans. A
A _________ is a built in formula in Excel.
A. Solver
B. Scenario
C. Goal Seek
D. Function
Ans. D
PV ( ) is a _____________ function.
A. Mathematical
B. Financial
C. Statistical
D. None of these
Ans. B
The small black square located in the lower-right corner of the heavy border around the active cell is called the ______________.
A. Range
B. Fill Handle
C. Source Area
D. Relative Reference
Ans. B
MS-Excel has ____________________ component(s).
A. Spreadsheet
B. Database
C. Graphs
D. All of these
Ans. D
____________ shortcut key is used to remove bullets in MS-Word.
A. Ctrl+G
B. Ctrl+A
C. Ctrl+H
D. None of these
Ans. D
____________ shortcut key is used to cut selected text in Word.
A. Ctrl+C
B. Ctrl+X
C. Ctrl+V
D. None of these
Ans. B
In MS-Word, each row in a data source is called a/an ______________.
A. Object
B. Level
C. Record
D. Source Line
Ans. C
If the ____________ displays a Signatures button, the document has an invisible signature.
A. Ribbon
B. Quick Access Toolbar
C. Task bar
D. Status bar
Ans. D
A __________ is a predefined format settings in MS-Word.
A. Wizard
B. Form Letter
C. Cover Letter
D. Template
Ans. D
BMP stands for …………………………..
A. Binary Map Picture
B. Bit Map Picture
C. Byte Map Picture
D. None of these
Ans. B
In Windows, opened programs are displayed on the………………….
A. Task Bar
B. Status Bar
C. Desktop
D. Title Bar
Ans. A
OS makes a bridge between ………………………………..
A. Hardware & Software
B. OS & Applications
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
By Default taskbar appears at the .............. of the desktop screen.
A. Top
B. Bottom
C. Left
D. Right
Ans. B
___________ command is used to make a directory in MS-DOS.
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. C
In DOS, a file name extension can have ___________ characters long.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 6
D. 8
Ans. B
____________ provides an interface between the user and the hardware.
B. OS/2
D. Operating System
Ans. D
DOS supports _____________ at a time.
A. Single User
B. Single Task
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. C
The natural numbers are represented as the …………………….number system.
A. Binary
B. Decimal
C. Hexadecimal
D. Octal
Ans. B
USB stands for…………….
A. Universal Serial Bus
B. Unique Serial Bus
C. Universal Series Bus
D. Union Serial Bus
Ans. C
………………….is refers to as the Main or Primary Memory.
D. Hard Disk
Ans. A
Example(s) of computer anti-virus program is / are ……………….
A. Norton
B. MacAfee
C. Dr. Solomon Toolkit
D. All of these
Ans. D
Viruses which executes when computer starts is ………………
A. Macro
B. File Infector
C. Boot Sector
D. Salami Shaving
Ans. C
PageMaker includes _________ built in tracks from very loose to very tight.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. D
___________ function returns the largest value in the range in Excel.
A. High()
B. Large()
C. Max()
D. Count()
Ans. C
The small black square located in the lower-right corner of the heavy border around the active cell is called the ______________.
A. Range
B. Fill Handle
C. Source Area
D. Relative Reference
Ans. B
The _______________ allows you to view synonyms in MS-Word
A. Proof reading
B. Thesaurus
C. Spell Check
D. Translate
Ans. B
A _____________ is a macro that is unavailable to Word.
A. Locked macro
B. Disabled macro
C. Blocked macro
D. Closed source macro
Ans. B
To ___________ on a document is to allow users to work with others.
A. Collaborate
B. Merge
C. Comment
D. Track Changes
Ans. A
The mouse pointer is controlled using the ..............................from the keyboard.
A. Function Keys
B. Hot Keys
C. Special Keys
D. Alphanumeric Keys
Ans. B
..............................button(s) moves the cursor at the beginning of the current line.
A. Home
B. Alt+Home
C. Ctrl+Home
D. Ctrl+Left Arrow
Ans. A
OS makes a bridge between .............................
A. Hardware & Software
B. OS & Applications
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
The architecture of CPU based on the .............................
A. Von Neumann Architecture
B. Babbage Architecture
C. Pascal Architecture
D. None
Ans. A
The Transistor was invented in.............................
A. 1847
B. 1955
C. 1942
D. 1947
Ans. B
.............................was the first all electronic computer designed by Professor J.Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
Ans. D
__________ edits the nodes of an object in CorelDraw.
A. F9
B. F10
C. F11
D. F12
Ans. B
__________ opens the options dialog box to the text page in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+F9
B. Ctrl+F10
C. Ctrl+F11
D. Ctrl+F12
Ans. B
The first version of CorelDraw 2 was released in ____________.
A. 1991
B. 1996
C. 1999
D. 2002
Ans. A
_________ function key is used to show Colour Palette in Photoshop.
A. F3
B. F4
C. F5
D. F6
Ans. D
Shortcut key to select "Zoom Tool" in Photoshop is ___________.
A. W
B. T
C. M
D. None of these
Ans. D
Default file extension of a Photoshop file is ___________.
Ans. A
The _____________ is the background behind the PageMaker document.
A. Pasteboard
B. Image Rate
C. Object
D. None of these
Ans. A
_________ shortcut key is used to display/hide hyperlink palette in PageMaker.
A. Ctrl+6
B. Ctrl+7
C. Ctrl+8
D. Ctrl+9
Ans. D
There are ________ ways of stacking objects in PageMaker.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. C
A table is a matrix with _______________.
A. Row
B. Column
C. Data
D. Field
Ans. C
The default file size limit of MySQL is about ___________.
A. 4GB
B. 3GB
C. 2GB
D. 1GB
Ans. A
Presently MySQL is maintained by ___________________.
A. Sun
C. Microsoft
D. Oracle
Ans. D
Inventory is a type of................
A. Inventory voucher
B. Accounting software
C. Working mode
D. None of these
Ans. C
What is Stock Summary in inventory?
A. Ledger
B. Report of Party
C. Statement of goods
D. Statement of transaction
Ans. C
We use __________ to select the source of the record in a report.
A. Control Source
B. Data Source
C. Entry Source
D. Record Source
Ans. D
___________ is the field name which is displyed in forms.
A. Title
B. Caption
C. Input Mask
D. No Limit
Ans. B
A recordset is a ________ that displays group of records from a base table or as a query result.
A. Tables
B. Queries
C. Forms
D. None of these
Ans. A
BCC stands for _______________________.
A. Blank Carbon Copy
B. Black Carbon Copy
C. Blind Carbon Copy
D. Blue Carbon Copy
Ans. C
NCSA Mosaic is a _____________________.
A. Web Browser
C. Modem
D. None of these
Ans. A
A Modem is a/an ____________________.
A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Application
D. Tool
Ans. B
__________ is a part of Multimedia.
A. Animation
B. Still Images
C. Video
D. All of these
Ans. D
_____________ is a multimedia software.
A. Media Player
B. Xing Player
C. Wave Studio
D. All of these
Ans. D
Video Capture Cards come in Two basic models, Still Image Grabber and ______.
A. Still Video Grabber
B. Video Grabber
C. Frame Grabber
D. None of these
Ans. C
HTML is a ____________________.
A. Programming Language
B. Markup Language
C. Internet Language
D. All of these
Ans. B
Tim Berners-Lee developed HTML in early ___________ at CERN.
A. 1990
B. 1980
C. 1970
D. 1960
Ans. A
___________ tag displays the text exactly in the same way as you typed it.
B. <PRE>
D. None of these
Ans. B
The HTML file must have ________ extension.
A. htm
B. html
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. C
Goodwill is a ...................
A. Investments
B. Fixed Assets
C. Current Assets
D. Liabilities
Ans. B
Loan account group has ...............sub – groups.
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
Ans. A
At the time of company creation, Tally creates two accounts. They are cash A/C and..............
A. Trading A/C
B. Profit and Loss A/C
C. Balance sheet
D. Capital A/C
Ans. B
To delete a company IN Tally, press...............
A. Alt+C
B. Alt+D
C. Alt+W
D. Alt+M
Ans. B
When creating a company, Tally creates the drive.
A. Folder
B. Directory
C. Sub- directory
D. File
Ans. B
In DOS, ______________ commands are parts of a file called COMMAND.COM
A. Internal
B. External
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
Warm Booting is the process of _____________ the computer.
A. Shut Down
B. Start
C. Re-Start
D. All of these
Ans. C
______________ command is used to create a new file in DOS.
D. None of these
Ans. D
In DOS, a file name extension can have ___________ characters long.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 6
D. 8
Ans. B
____________ is a Multi-Tasking Operating System.
A. Windowsw NT
B. Linux
C. Unix
D. All of these
Ans. D
____________ provides an interface between the user and the hardware.
B. OS/2
D. Operating System
Ans. D
DOS has been developed by Microsoft Corporation of _________________.
C. Germany
D. Japan
Ans. A
A Computer can perform ...............................operations.
A. Airthmetic
B. Logical
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. C
…………….. Function key is used to rename the selected item.
A. F2
B. F4
C. F6
D. F8
Ans. A
To store the current value in the memory of Calculator ................button is used.
C. M+
Ans. C
…………………… tool is used to zoom in to a particular part of the picture.
A. Pick Color
B. Magnifier
C. Pencil
D. Brush
Ans. B
The Print option is used to get the ............................ of document.
A. Soft copy
B. Hard copy
C. White copy
D. Black copy
Ans. B
My Computer, My Document, Network Neighborhood, and Recycle Bin are...........................
A. Shortcut Icons
B. Program Icons
C. System Icons
D. Document Icons
Ans. C
GUI Stands for..........................
A. Graph Utility Interchange
B. Graphical Utility Interchange
C. Graphical User Interface
D. Graph User Interface
Ans. C
DOS is a _________________ Operating System.
A. Single Tasking
B. Multi Tasking
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
Originally, DOS had been created by ___________________.
A. Tim Paterson
B. Bill Gates
C. Mark Zuckerberg
D. Steve Jobs
Ans. A
In DOS, ______________ commands are parts of a file called COMMAND.COM
A. Internal
B. External
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
VER command of MS-DOS displays the current version of ______________.
A. Command
B. System
D. Computer
Ans. C
PowerPoint 2010 provides _________ master view buttons.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. B
_______________ shortcut key is used to change the font in PowerPoint.
A. Ctrl+F
B. Ctrl+Alt+F
C. Ctrl+Shift+F
D. None of these
Ans. C
A __________ is a single media file in a presentation.
A. Layout
B. Animation
C. Gallery
D. Clip
Ans. D
Standard ___________ are associated with all Microsoft documents.
A. Indicators
B. File Sizes
C. Properties
D. None of these
Ans. C
_____________ determines the manner in which an object appears on slide.
A. Transitions
B. Animation
C. Theme
D. None of these
Ans. B
_________ button in PowerPoint allows to alter the colortaion of image.
A. Recolor
B. Fill Color
C. Do Color
D. Color
Ans. A
In Excel, a formula begins with _________ symbol.
A. Dollar
B. Ampersand
C. Plus
D. None of these
Ans. C
The ______________ is printed at the bottom of every page.
A. Header
B. Footer
C. Comment
D. Information
Ans. B
The arithmetic operator for multiplication is ______________.
A. Asterisk
B. Hyphen
C. Semicolon
D. Apostrophe
Ans. A
Examples of What if Analysis Tool in Excel are _______________.
A. Solver
B. Scenario
C. Goal Seek
D. All of these
Ans. D
Rept ( ) is a _____________ function.
A. Text
B. Logical
C. Mathematical
D. Financial
Ans. A
In Excel, to enter a number as a text, start the entry with the symbol _______.
A. Asterisk
B. Hyphen
C. Semicolon
D. Apostrophe
Ans. D
The small black square located in the lower-right corner of the heavy border around the active cell is called the ______________.
A. Range
B. Fill Handle
C. Source Area
D. Relative Reference
Ans. B
____________ shortcut key is used to close a document in Word.
A. Ctrl+F2
B. Ctrl+F3
C. Ctrl+F4
D. Ctrl+F5
Ans. C
____________ function key is used to open “Find and Replace” dialog box.
A. F5
B. F6
C. F7
D. F8
Ans. A
In MS-Word, ___________ is used to fix the cursor position in a document.
A. Cross Reference
B. Hyperlink
C. Bookmark
D. None of these
Ans. C
A _____________ is text that appears at the top of each page.
A. Legend
B. Header
C. Footer
D. Section
Ans. B
If the ____________ displays a Signatures button, the document has an invisible signature.
A. Ribbon
B. Quick Access Toolbar
C. Task bar
D. Status bar
Ans. D
To ___________ on a document is to allow users to work with others.
A. Collaborate
B. Merge
C. Comment
D. Track Changes
Ans. A
________________ software provides animation tools.
A. Animator Pro
B. Animation Master
C. 3D Studio Max
D. All of these
Ans. D
FPS stands for ___________________.
A. Frames Per Second
B. Frame Picture System
C. Frame Photo System
D. None of these
Ans. A
_____________ is a Sound File.
D. All of these
Ans. D
________________ is related to Animation.
A. Morphing
B. Spooling
C. Sampling
D. None of these
Ans. A
Jet Audio software is marketed by ______________.
A. Microsoft
D. None of these
Ans. C
.DAT is a/an ________________ file.
A. Audio
B. Video
C. Animation
D. Hypermedia
Ans. B
The speed at which the Animated images are displayed is called ________.
A. Time Rate
B. Image Rate
C. Frame Rate
D. Picture Rate
Ans. C
TIFF stands for ____________________.
A. Total Image File Format
B. Tagged Image File Format
C. Total Interchange File Format
D. Tagged Interchange File Format
Ans. B
_____________ is a Sound File.
D. All of these
Ans. D
The ____________ is the world's largest computer network.
A. Internet
B. Google Chrome
C. Facebook
D. Wikipedia
Ans. A
The physical layout of a computer network is called ______________.
A. Topology
B. Hub
C. Bus
Ans. A
The _________________ is a head of a computer network.
A. Programmer
B. Application User
C. Data Entry Operator
D. System Administrator
Ans. D
______________ cables are very low quality cables.
A. Co-axial
B. Fibre Optic
C. Twisted Pair
D. None of these
Ans. C
NIC stands for ____________________.
A. Network Interface Card
B. Network Internet Card
C. Network Interface Cable
D. Network Internet Cable
Ans. A
The smallest type of comuter networking is _____________.
Ans. C
The ……………………………devices are also known as Random Access Device.
A. Sequential Access
B. Direct Access
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. B
What is the name of first computer virus?
A. The famous
B. Harlie
C. Param
D. Creeper
Ans. D
USB stands for…………….
A. Universal Serial Bus
B. Unique Serial Bus
C. Universal Series Bus
D. Union Serial Bus
Ans. C
Input, Output or Storing devices are the types of………………
B. Peripheral Devices
C. Storing Devices
D. None
Ans. B
CD-R stands for ……………………………….
A. Compact Disk – Reader
B. Compact Disk – Right
C. Compact Disk – Recordable
D. None
Ans. C
The ………………………. is used to store the data and programs currently in use.
A. Primary Memory
B. Auxiliary Memory
C. Cache Memory
D. None
Ans. A
The shortcut key used to print of any report in tally is……………….
A. Alt+P
B. Ctrl+P
C. Ctrl+v
D. None of these
Ans. C
The ……..Option is used to view Stock items or Group Summary.
A. Accounts Book
B. Inventory Book
C. Display
D. Statutory Books
Ans. B
Sumptuary Allowance has been given to the ………………………….
A. High Court Judges
B. Supreme Court Judges
C. Both of them
D. None of these
Ans. C
We can get the report of interest from………..
A. Account Books
B. Cash & Fund Flow
C. Inventory Book
D. Statement of A/c
Ans. A
Debit note is used to enter the transaction related to.....................
A. Sales return
B. Payment
C. Cash
D. Purchase return
Ans. D
Which of the following country is the first one to implement GST to reduce tax-evasion?
B. China
C. France
D. Switzerland
Ans. C
To make duplicate of a voucher we use..................... In Tally.
A. Alt+D
B. Alt+O
C. Alt+E
D. Alt+C
Ans. C
Single entry is applicable for………………
A. Receipt Voucher
B. Payment Voucher
C. Contra Voucher
D. None of these
Ans. D
Balance sheet displays the....................... of the company.
A. Capital
B. Assets
C. Liabilities
D. All of the above
Ans. D
Tally is developed by………..
B. Microsoft
C. Petronius
Ans. C
.............. are used to enter the transaction related to sales return.
A. Debit note
B. Credit note
C. Journal
D. Payment
Ans. B
Stock-in-Hand includes..................
A. Materials
B. Stock of Raw
C. Stock of Finished Goods
D. All of the above
Ans. D
A..................... is an adjustment voucher.
A. Memorandum voucher
B. Sales voucher
C. Payment voucher
D. Journal voucher
Ans. D
What is Compound Unit.........................
A. Dozen
B. Liters
C. Pairs
D. All of the above
Ans. D
To E-mail the report in Tally, we use..................
A. Alt+S
B. Alt+O
C. Alt+M
D. Alt+E
Ans. C
In the Tally Software, Which one of the following directories stores all data enter by the user?
A. Bin
B. Data
C. Database
D. None of these
Ans. B
LST belongs to.......................
A. Loan (liabilities)
B. Duties and taxes
C. Sales A/C
D. Current assets
Ans. B
We can Cancel a voucher using……………
A. Alt+X
B. Ctrl+X
C. Ctrl+shift+X
D. Shift+X
Ans. A
In voucher entry at least ……….. statement of transaction can be included.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. A
Inventory is a type of................
A. Inventory voucher
B. Accounting software
C. Working mode
D. None of these
Ans. C
General reports are prepared with the..................... In Tally.
A. Ledgers
B. Trial balance
C. Balance sheet
D. All of the above
Ans. D
General reports are prepared with the..................... In Tally.
A. Ledgers
B. Trial balance
C. Balance sheet
D. All of the above
Ans. D
What is Unit of measurement……...
A. Measurement of goods
B. Ledger Creation
C. Item Creation
D. All of the above
Ans. A
To enter memo voucher we use the functions key..............
A. Alt+O
B. Ctrl +F10
C. F10
D. None of these
Ans. C
To Delete the stock group Press ……………
A. Ctrl+D
B. Ctrl+M
C. Alt+D
D. Alt+M
Ans. A
In ............................ entry, always debit aspect is entered first.
A. Contra
B. Receipt
C. Journal
D. Sales
Ans. D
The country with highest GST Rate in the world is ?
A. India
B. China
C. France
D. Australia
Ans. D
The transaction between cash A/c to Bank A/c is entered through the..................
A. Payment Voucher
B. Contra Voucher
C. Contra Voucher
D. Sales Voucher
Ans. C
What is Stock Summary in inventory?
A. Ledger
B. Report of Party
C. Statement of goods
D. Statement of transaction
Ans. C
LST Stands for.........................
A. Logical Sales Tax
B. Local Sales Tax
C. Low Sales Tax
D. None of these
Ans. B
When creating a company, Tally creates the drive.
A. Folder
B. Directory
C. Sub- directory
D. File
Ans. B
Loan account group has ...............sub – groups.
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
Ans. A
Tally automatically creates two ledger accounts i.e. Cash a/c and...............
A. Profit and Loss a/c
B. Bank a/c
C. Capital a/c
D. Suspense a/c
Ans. A
..................Function key is used to enter Purchase Voucher in Tally.
A. F5
B. F7
C. F8
D. F9
Ans. D
By default the number of decimals places for the base currency is................
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. A
............... are the sub–groups of current assets.
A. Bank account
B. Deposits
C. Sundry debtors
D. All of these
Ans. D
You may create a new parent group by using...................... In Tally.
A. Alt+D
B. Alt+C
C. Ctrl+C
D. Ctrl+P
Ans. B
Payment Voucher is used to enter................... type of payments.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. All
Ans. D
In account only ................... is not calculated by Tally.
A. Opening stock
B. Closing stock
C. Capital
D. None of these
Ans. D
............ is a primary group.
A. Sundry debtors
B. Bank account
C. Provisions
D. Current assets
Ans. D
Once a sub-group is created, It behaves exactly like a...............
A. Ledger
B. Information
C. Groups
D. All of above
Ans. A
Contra Voucher is used to enter only .................. types of transactions.
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
Ans. A
Accounts only is used to maintain only the....................... transaction of the company.
A. Financial
B. Inventory
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
There ..............are primary account group and................. are sub-groups.
A. 14, 14
B. 13, 15
C. 15, 13
D. 16, 12
Ans. C
Indirect Expenses include...............
A. Administrative expenses
B. Office expenses
C. Selling and Distribution expenses
D. All of above
Ans. D
Tally does not post ....................... entries.
A. Purchase Voucher
B. Contra Voucher
C. Memorandum Voucher
D. None of these
Ans. C
To open Help in Tally, press......................
A. Alt+C
B. Alt+H
C. Ctrl+A
D. Alt+W
Ans. B
Tally provides a set of ............... pre-defined groups.
A. 25
B. 28
C. 30
D. 36
Ans. B
Stock-in-Hand includes..................
A. Stock of Finished Goods
B. Stock of Raw
C. Materials
D. All
Ans. D
.................... is a None-accounting Voucher.
A. Sales Voucher
B. Payment Voucher
C. Memorandum Voucher
D. Purchase Voucher
Ans. C
Jet Audio software is marketed by ______________.
A. Microsoft
D. None of these
Ans. C
.MP3 is a/an ________________ file.
A. Audio
B. Video
C. Animation
D. Hypermedia
Ans. A
________________ is related to Animation.
A. Morphing
B. Spooling
C. Sampling
D. None of these
Ans. A
In C, ________ provide a way to repeat commands and controls.
A. Loops
B. Constants
C. Interpreters
D. Class
Ans. A
In C, ________ is called Logical AND operator.
A. &&
B. &
C. $$
D. $
Ans. A
C is a successor of _______ Language which was introduced around 1970.
A. Pascal
B. C++
C. B
Ans. C
The country with highest GST Rate in the world is ?
A. India
B. China
C. France
D. Australia
Ans. D
Tally is developed by………..
B. Microsoft
C. Petronius
Ans. C
............... are the sub–groups of current assets.
A. Bank account
B. Deposits
C. Sundry debtors
D. All of these
Ans. D
There ..............are primary account group and................. are sub-groups.
A. 14, 14
B. 13, 15
C. 15, 13
D. 16, 12
Ans. C
A/An _____________ is the property of an HTML tag.
A. Container Tag
B. Empty Tag
C. Attribute
D. Element
Ans. C
The HTML Tag gives the instructions to the _____________.
A. Computer
B. Browser
C. HTML Editor
D. None of these
Ans. B
For surfing the website, we need a/an ___________.
A. Mozilla Firefox
B. Google Chrome
C. Internet Explorer
D. Web Browser
Ans. D
TIFF stands for ____________________.
A. Total Image File Format
B. Tagged Image File Format
C. Total Interchange File Format
D. Tagged Interchange File Format
Ans. B
NCSA Mosaic is a _____________________.
A. Web Browser
C. Modem
D. None of these
Ans. A
A Modem is a/an ____________________.
A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Application
D. Tool
Ans. B
First of all the Internet had been used in _______________.
B. France
C. China
Ans. D
The ____________ command is used to log into the Server.
A. Entry
B. Login
C. Logout
D. Braek
Ans. B
_____________ shortcut key is used to close active database window.
A. Ctrl+X
B. Ctrl+Y
C. Ctrl+R
D. Ctrl+W
Ans. D
To delete the current record, use _________ button.
A. Delete Record
B. Delete
C. Erase Record
D. Erase
Ans. A
Column headings are often contained within the __________ section.
A. Report Header
B. Report Footer
C. Page Header
D. Page Footer
Ans. C
When you initially create a database, you define its ____________.
A. Size
B. Properties
C. Structure
D. Field
Ans. C
Reports can be displayed in ______ views in MS-Access.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. C
___________ attribute is used to change the Font style.
D. None of these
Ans. C
___________ tag defines a sequentially numbered list of items.
A. <OL>
B. <SN>
C. <NUM>
D. <NM>
Ans. A
PowerPoint 2010 provides _________ view buttons.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. C
____________ function key is used to open “Save As” dialog box in Powerpoint.
A. F9
B. F10
C. F11
D. F12
Ans. D
_______________ shortcut key is used to change the font in PowerPoint.
A. Ctrl+F
B. Ctrl+Alt+F
C. Ctrl+Shift+F
D. None of these
Ans. C
_____________ determines how slides move to the next in presentation.
A. Animation
B. Theme
C. Transition
D. None of these
Ans. C
____________ function key is used to edit in a cell.
A. F2
B. F3
C. F4
D. F10
Ans. A
____________ calculates the payment for a loan.
A. PV()
B. FV()
C. PMT()
D. None of these
Ans. C
Count ( ) is a _____________ function.
A. Text
B. Logical
C. Mathematical
D. Financial
Ans. C
An Excel file name can have a maximum of ___________ characters.
A. 100
B. 255
C. 345
D. in
Ans. B
To create a Line Break in MS-Word, press _____________.
A. Alt+Enter
B. Break
C. Shift+Enter
D. Ctrl+Enter
Ans. D
____________ shortcut key is used to get Print Preview in Word.
A. Ctrl+F2
B. Ctrl+F3
C. Ctrl+F4
D. Ctrl+F5
Ans. A
____________ function key is used to check spelling in a document.
A. F5
B. F6
C. F7
D. F8
Ans. C
A _____________ is a macro that is unavailable to Word.
A. Locked macro
B. Disabled macro
C. Blocked macro
D. Closed source macro
Ans. B
The user can Undo upto …………………..changes in MS-Paint
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. No Limit
Ans. D
…………………… tool is used to zoom in to a particular part of the picture.
A. Pick Color
B. Magnifier
C. Pencil
D. Brush
Ans. B
BMP stands for …………………………..
A. Binary Map Picture
B. Bit Map Picture
C. Byte Map Picture
D. None of these
Ans. B
………………….button(s) moves the cursor at the beginning of the current line.
A. Home
B. Alt+Home
C. Ctrl+Home
D. Ctrl+Left Arrow
Ans. A
Status bar is available at the ……………. of document window.
A. Top
B. Bottom
C. Left
D. Right
Ans. B
____________ is a Single-Tasking Operating System.
A. Windowsw NT
B. Linux
C. Unix
D. None of these
Ans. D
VER command of MS-DOS displays the current version of ______________.
A. Command
B. System
D. Computer
Ans. C
In DOS, ______________ commands are parts of a file called COMMAND.COM
A. Internal
B. External
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
The smallest category of computer is ……………………….
A. Mini Computer
B. Super Computer
C. Mainframe Computer
D. Micro Computer
Ans. D
The machines that incorporate both analog as well as digital features, called…
A. Analog Computer
B. Hybrid Computer
C. Super Computer
D. Mini Computer
Ans. B
IC stands for ……………………………….
A. Input Channel
B. Integrated Circuit
C. Input Circuit
D. Integrated Chip
Ans. D
The Transistor was invented in………………..
A. 1847
B. 1955
C. 1942
D. 1947
Ans. B
ENIAC, EDVAC & EDSAC are the computers of ……………………..
A. First Generation
B. Second Generation
C. Third Generation
D. Fourth Generation
Ans. A
All the comments are put inside ____________ in C programs.
A. /*…….*/
B. \*……*\
C. */………/*
D. *\.........\*
Ans. A
_______________ are symbols that perform operations.
A. Modifiers
B. Comments
C. Constants
D. Operators
Ans. D
In C, ________ operator works on bits and perform bit by bit operation.
A. Bitmap
B. Bitwise
C. Bitlike
D. Bitop
Ans. B
A/An __________ is a type of variable that holds more than one value.
A. Array
B. Constant
C. Pointer
D. Class
Ans. A
In C, ________ is called Logical OR operator.
A. $
B. |
C. ||
D. @
Ans. C
C Programming Lange has _________ main variable types.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. A
In C, ________ is an increment operator that increases integer value by one.
A. +
B. ++
C. &
D. #
Ans. B
C is a ___________ Programming Language.
A. High Level
B. Low Level
C. 4th Generation
D. None of these
Ans. A
LWP stands for………………
A. Labour Work Policy
B. Labour Welfare Policy
C. Leave Without Pay
D. None of these
Ans. C
Sumptuary Allowance has been given to the ………………………….
A. High Court Judges
B. Supreme Court Judges
C. Both of them
D. None of these
Ans. C
In the Tally Software, Which one of the following directories stores all data enter by the user?
A. Bin
B. Data
C. Database
D. None of these
Ans. B
Which of the following country is the first one to implement GST to reduce tax-evasion?
B. China
C. France
D. Switzerland
Ans. C
Tally provides a set of ............... pre-defined groups.
A. 25
B. 28
C. 30
D. 36
Ans. B
At the time of company creation, Tally creates two accounts. They are cash A/C and..............
A. Trading A/C
B. Profit and Loss A/C
C. Balance sheet
D. Capital A/C
Ans. B
.................. button is used to access the company features for a company.
A. F10
B. F11
C. F12
D. F9
Ans. B
HTML editors fall into ________ general categories.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. A
The HTML file must have ________ extension.
A. htm
B. html
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. C
The commonly used image files are _____________________.
D. All of these
Ans. D
The speed at which the Animated images are displayed is called ________.
A. Time Rate
B. Image Rate
C. Frame Rate
D. Picture Rate
Ans. C
_________ is an uncompressed file, so file sizes are large.
Ans. D
GIF stands for _____________________.
A. Graph Interchange File
B. Graphics Image Format
C. Graphics Interchange Format
D. Graph Image File
Ans. C
______________ cables transmit data in the form of light rays.
A. Co-axial
B. Fibre Optic
C. Twisted Pair
D. None of these
Ans. B
A node is also called a _____________.
A. Network
B. Terminal
C. Hub
D. Server
Ans. B
The ____________ command breaks the connection to the Server.
A. Break
B. Exit
C. Logout
D. Quit
Ans. C
The physical layout of a computer network is called ______________.
A. Topology
B. Hub
C. Bus
Ans. A
_____________ shortcut key turns Microsoft Access Auto Filter On/Off
A. Ctrl+G
B. Ctrl+H
C. Ctrl+K
D. Ctrl+T
Ans. D
There are ________ ways to view forms in MS-Access.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. B
A ________________ key can never be blank.
A. Foreign
B. Special
C. Primary
D. Unique
Ans. C
All tables are stored in the _____________.
A. Form
B. Queries
C. Report
D. Database
Ans. D
_____________ determines the manner in which an object appears on slide.
A. Transitions
B. Animation
C. Theme
D. None of these
Ans. B
_____________ shows relationship within businesses, families etc.
A. Matrix
B. Pyramid
C. Organisation Chart
D. Cycle
Ans. C
There are _________ categories of SmartArt graphics.
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
Ans. C
Count ( ) is a _____________ function.
A. Text
B. Logical
C. Mathematical
D. Financial
Ans. C
In Excel, to enter a number as a text, start the entry with the symbol _______.
A. Asterisk
B. Hyphen
C. Semicolon
D. Apostrophe
Ans. D
The small black square located in the lower-right corner of the heavy border around the active cell is called the ______________.
A. Range
B. Fill Handle
C. Source Area
D. Relative Reference
Ans. B
Comments appear in ___________ color in the Code window.
A. Green
B. Red
C. Blue
D. Black
Ans. A
MS-Word provides ________ colors to highlight text.
A. 10
B. 12
C. 15
D. 18
Ans. C
Which of the following is the file extension for a Word document?
A. Docx
B. Dots
C. Wrd
D. Wdoc
Ans. A
MS-Word has _______ Views.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. D
The Print option is used to get the ............................ of document.
A. Soft copy
B. Hard copy
C. White copy
D. Black copy
Ans. B
…………………….. is a collection of picture gallery.
A. Clip art
B. Clip board
C. Microsoft picture
D. Microsoft graphic
Ans. A
The ………………………….. feature(s) is/are available in WordPad.
A. Tab
B. Ribbon
C. Quick Access Toolbar
D. All of these
Ans. D
Word Wrap option is available in ……………….. Menu in Notepad.
A. File
B. Edit
C. Format
D. View
Ans. C
VER command of MS-DOS displays the current version of ______________.
A. Command
B. System
D. Computer
Ans. C
There are __________ types of Wildcard Characters in MS-DOS.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. A
There are _________ types of DOS commands.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. A
The first generation computers are based on the ………………….
A. Microprocessor
B. Vaccum Tubes
C. Integrated Circuit
D. Transistor
Ans. B
The period of first generation is ………………..
A. 1842-1855
B. 1855-1864
C. 1942-1955
D. None
Ans. C
Originally, the term ‘generation’ was used to distinguish between varying……………….
A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. A
Advantages of computers are……………..
A. Speed
B. Accuracy
C. Diligence
D. All
Ans. D
All expenses and losses always having …………..
A. Credit balance
B. Debit balance
C. Balance entered in voucher
D. None of these
Ans. B
The option used to exit tally is…………….....
A. Close
B. Exit
C. Quit
D. All of the above
Ans. C
............ Function key is used to access the configuration settings in Tally.
A. F2
B. F3
C. F11
D. F12
Ans. D
To delete a company IN Tally, press...............
A. Alt+C
B. Alt+D
C. Alt+W
D. Alt+M
Ans. B
Stock-in-Hand includes..................
A. Materials
B. Stock of Raw
C. Stock of Finished Goods
D. All of the above
Ans. D
What is Stock Summary in inventory?
A. Ledger
B. Report of Party
C. Statement of goods
D. Statement of transaction
Ans. C
The ……..Option is used to view Stock items or Group Summary.
A. Accounts Book
B. Inventory Book
C. Display
D. Statutory Books
Ans. B
You can use the select company option using …………….. button.
A. F1
B. F3
C. F5
D. F7
Ans. A
When creating a company, Tally creates the drive.
A. Folder
B. Directory
C. Sub- directory
D. File
Ans. B
By default the number of decimals places for the base currency is................
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. A
In account only ................... is not calculated by Tally.
A. Opening stock
B. Closing stock
C. Capital
D. None of these
Ans. D
Tags are always written within __________ brackets.
A. Small
B. Middle
C. Square
D. Angle
Ans. D
Netscape Navigator is a _____________.
A. HTML Editor
C. Browser
D. None of these
Ans. C
There are two basic HTML tools. They are HTML Editor and ____________.
A. Mozilla Firefox
B. Google Chrome
C. Internet Explorer
D. Web Browser
Ans. D
TIFF stands for ____________________.
A. Total Image File Format
B. Tagged Image File Format
C. Total Interchange File Format
D. Tagged Interchange File Format
Ans. B
_____________ is a Sound File.
D. All of these
Ans. D
_____________ is a multimedia software.
A. Media Player
B. Xing Player
C. Wave Studio
D. All of these
Ans. D
Non-linear content is also known as ___________ content.
A. Animation
B. Still Images
C. Hypermedia
D. Video
Ans. C
The _________________ is a head of a computer network.
A. Programmer
B. Application User
C. Data Entry Operator
D. System Administrator
Ans. D
______________ cables are very low quality cables.
A. Co-axial
B. Fibre Optic
C. Twisted Pair
D. None of these
Ans. C
A workstation is also called a _____________.
A. Network
B. Hub
C. Node
D. Server
Ans. C
___________ symbols are used to represent "Not equal to" in a query.
A. <<
B. >>
C. ><
D. <>
Ans. D
___________ are used to retrieve specific records from a table.
A. Queries
B. Forms
C. Tables
D. Modules
Ans. A
A ________________ key is a unique identifier for a record.
A. Foreign
B. Special
C. Primary
D. Unique
Ans. C
A recordset is a ________ that displays group of records from a base table or as a query result.
A. Tables
B. Queries
C. Forms
D. None of these
Ans. A
_________ button in PowerPoint allows to alter the colortaion of image.
A. Recolor
B. Fill Color
C. Do Color
D. Color
Ans. A
Font style can include ______________.
A. Bold
B. Italic
C. Underline
D. All of these
Ans. D
A _____________ is a set of colours, fonts and special effects.
A. Theme
B. Animation
C. Transition
D. None of these
Ans. A
A presentation can include ______________.
A. Pictures
B. Sound
C. Video
D. All of these
Ans. D
A _______________ is a pictorial representation of data in a worksheet.
A. Solver
B. Clipart
C. Pivot Table
D. Graphs
Ans. D
MS-Excel has ____________________ component(s).
A. Spreadsheet
B. Database
C. Graphs
D. All of these
Ans. D
The intersection of a row and a column is called a ____________.
A. Cell
B. Sheet
C. Page
D. Section
Ans. A
By default, Excel positions number in a cell __________________.
A. Left
B. Right
C. Centre
D. Justify
Ans. B
A __________ is a predefined format settings in MS-Word.
A. Wizard
B. Form Letter
C. Cover Letter
D. Template
Ans. D
To create a hanging indent in MS-Word, press _____________ shortcut keys.
A. Ctrl+M
B. Ctrl+T
C. Ctrl+H
D. Ctrl+2
Ans. B
MS-Word has _______ Rulers.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. A
The _________ is the control center for MS-Word.
A. Ribbon
B. Status Bar
C. Tab
D. Ruler
Ans. A
A file name can have a maximum of ________ characters in MS-Word 2010.
A. 32
B. 100
C. 260
D. 1024
Ans. C
……………. option moves the cursor to the next line automatically.
A. Word wrap
B. Set font
C. Strikethrough
D. Superscript
Ans. A
Control Box contains ………………………..
A. Minimize button
B. Maximize button
C. Close button
D. All of these
Ans. D
Undo option is available in ……………….. Menu in Notepad.
A. File
B. Edit
C. Format
D. View
Ans. B
There are ……………. Menus in Notepad.
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Ans. C
___________ commands are loaded in the memory while booting the system.
A. Internal
B. External
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
Every disk has one basic directory, called __________________.
A. DOS Directory
B. Prompt Directory
C. First Directory
D. Root Directory
Ans. D
___________ command is used to make a directory in MS-DOS.
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. C
In DOS, a file name extension can have ___________ characters long.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 6
D. 8
Ans. B
…………………was the first all electronic computer designed by Professor J.Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
Ans. D
The Difference Engine was based on the……………….principle.
A. Mathematical
B. Statically
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. A
The first mechanical adding machine was invented by Blaise Pascal in …………..
A. 1642
B. 1742
C. 1842
D. 1942
Ans. A
The manipulation of data is called the ………………………..
A. Processing
B. Inputting
C. Outputting
D. Storing
Ans. A
.................... is a None-accounting Voucher.
A. Sales Voucher
B. Payment Voucher
C. Memorandum Voucher
D. Purchase Voucher
Ans. C
The shortcut of Receipt Note Voucher in tally is………...
A. Alt+F9
B. Ctrl+F9
C. Ctrl+F8
D. None of these
Ans. A
To E-mail the report in Tally, we use..................
A. Alt+S
B. Alt+O
C. Alt+M
D. Alt+E
Ans. C
In voucher entry at least ……….. statement of transaction can be included.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. A
We can get the report of interest from………..
A. Account Books
B. Cash & Fund Flow
C. Inventory Book
D. Statement of A/c
Ans. A
Single entry is applicable for………………
A. Receipt Voucher
B. Payment Voucher
C. Contra Voucher
D. None of these
Ans. D
What is Compound Unit.........................
A. Dozen
B. Liters
C. Pairs
D. All of the above
Ans. D
What is Unit of measurement……...
A. Measurement of goods
B. Ledger Creation
C. Item Creation
D. All of the above
Ans. A
Accounts only is used to maintain only the....................... transaction of the company.
A. Financial
B. Inventory
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
Tally logo is displayed at the.............. of the Top area.
A. Right
B. Left
C. Centre
D. Bottom
Ans. B
First time when you start Tally, you would require to ...................... a company.
A. Select
B. Create
C. Restore
D. None of these
Ans. B
WWW stands for _____________________________.
A. World Wide Website
B. World Wide Web
C. World Wipe Web
D. World Wipe Website
Ans. B
HTML is a ____________ domain.
A. Government
B. Foreign
C. Private
D. Public
Ans. D
HTML is a ____________________.
A. Programming Language
B. Markup Language
C. Internet Language
D. All of these
Ans. B
Microphone is a/an _______________ device.
A. Input
B. Output
C. Storage
D. None of these
Ans. A
The ____________ is used to record and play sounds.
A. Microphone
B. Sound Card
C. Speaker
D. All of these
Ans. B
__________ is a part of Multimedia.
A. Animation
B. Still Images
C. Video
D. All of these
Ans. D
Multimedia contains ___________ files.
A. Audio
B. Video
C. Text
D. All of these
Ans. D
______________ cables are used in telephone connections.
A. Co-axial
B. Fibre Optic
C. Twisted Pair
D. None of these
Ans. C
NIC stands for ____________________.
A. Network Interface Card
B. Network Internet Card
C. Network Interface Cable
D. Network Internet Cable
Ans. A
The master computer of network is caleed the _____________.
A. Workstation
B. Terminal
C. Node
D. Server
Ans. D
___________ is the field name which is displyed in forms.
A. Title
B. Caption
C. Input Mask
D. No Limit
Ans. B
In MS-Access, the Memo data type can store upto ___________ characters.
A. 64000
B. 65000
C. 75000
D. No Limit
Ans. A
There are ______ objects in MS-Access.
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
Ans. C
In MS-Access, data is stored in ______________.
A. Tables
B. Queries
C. Forms
D. None of these
Ans. A
MS-Access is a __________________ application.
C. Spreadsheet
D. Word Processing
Ans. B
A PowerPoint presentation is made up of a series of __________.
A. Pages
B. Worksheets
C. Slides
D. Records
Ans. C
The file name extension of a PowerPoint 2010 file is __________.
Ans. B
Powerpoint is a product of ________________.
A. Adobe
B. Microsoft
D. Alphabet
Ans. B
Powerpoint is a _______________ application.
A. Presentation
B. Spreadsheet
Ans. A
The default view for a worksheet is ___________________.
A. Basic View
B. Page View
C. Normal View
D. Standard View
Ans. C
Each workbook has several _______________.
A. Rows
B. Columns
C. Worksheet
D. Rows and Columns
Ans. C
By default, Excel positions text in a cell __________________.
A. Left
B. Right
C. Centre
D. Justify
Ans. A
An Excel file is called a _________________.
A. File
B. Document
C. Worksheet
D. Workbook
Ans. D
To ___________ on a document is to allow users to work with others.
A. Collaborate
B. Merge
C. Comment
D. Track Changes
Ans. A
A/an ____________ is a note inserted in a document.
A. Mark
B. Object
C. Comment
D. Reference
Ans. C
A __________ is a predefined format settings in MS-Word.
A. Wizard
B. Form Letter
C. Cover Letter
D. Template
Ans. D
To create a hanging indent in MS-Word, press _____________ shortcut keys.
A. Ctrl+M
B. Ctrl+T
C. Ctrl+H
D. Ctrl+2
Ans. B
The extension of Notepad file is……………………….
Ans. C
In Windows, opened programs are displayed on the………………….
A. Task Bar
B. Status Bar
C. Desktop
D. Title Bar
Ans. A
OS makes a bridge between ………………………………..
A. Hardware & Software
B. OS & Applications
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
To close any application, press...................
A. Ctrl+F4
B. Ctrl+Alt+Del
C. Ctrl+Alt+F4
D. Alt+F4
Ans. D
___________ Command is used to return to the Root Directory in MS-DOS.
A. CD\
B. CD/
C. MD\
D. MD/
Ans. A
______________ command is used to create a new file in DOS.
D. None of these
Ans. D
A DOS file name has ______ parts.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. None of these
Ans. A
Originally, DOS had been created by ___________________.
A. Tim Paterson
B. Bill Gates
C. Mark Zuckerberg
D. Steve Jobs
Ans. A
The Computer Generation is classified into …………………categories.
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
Ans. C
Abacus also known as ……………………
A. Sorobon
B. Napier Bones
C. Pascal
D. None
Ans. A
The first calculating device known as ……………………..
A. Analytical Engine
B. Abacus
C. Pascaline
D. Univac
Ans. B
The mark I calculator performing………………………basic arithmetic operations.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. A
CD-R stands for ……………………………….
A. Compact Disk – Reader
B. Compact Disk – Right
C. Compact Disk – Recordable
D. None
Ans. C
The manipulation of data is called the ………………………..
A. Processing
B. Inputting
C. Outputting
D. Storing
Ans. A
Shortcut key to show/hide Rulers in Photoshop is ___________.
A. Shift+R
B. Ctrl+R
C. Ctrl+Shift+R
D. Ctrl+Alt+R
Ans. B
Shortcut key to select "Move Tool" in Photoshop is ___________.
A. C
B. T
C. M
D. V
Ans. D
__________ selects the freehand tool in CorelDraw.
A. F4
B. F5
C. F6
D. F8
Ans. B
__________ opens the spell checker dialog box in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+F9
B. Ctrl+F10
C. Ctrl+F11
D. Ctrl+F12
Ans. D
CorelDraw X3 is also known as _____________.
A. Version 11
B. Version 12
C. Version 13
D. Version 14
Ans. C
_________ shortcut key is used to display/hide colour palette in PageMaker.
A. Ctrl+B
B. Ctrl+J
C. Ctrl+I
D. Ctrl+S
Ans. B
________ adjusts the space between lines in PageMaker.
A. Kerning
B. Laeading
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. B
If the document is unnamed in PageMaker, the name displayed as ________.
A. File-1
B. Document-1
C. Untitled-1
D. None of these
Ans. C
The shortcut key used to print of any report in tally is……………….
A. Alt+P
B. Ctrl+P
C. Ctrl+v
D. None of these
Ans. A
We can Cancel a voucher using……………
A. Alt+X
B. Ctrl+X
C. Ctrl+shift+X
D. Shift+X
Ans. A
............ is a primary group.
A. Sundry debtors
B. Bank account
C. Provisions
D. Current assets
Ans. D
Vehicle is a.....................
A. Personal A/c
B. Real A/c
C. Nominal A/c
D. Capital A/c
Ans. B
Goodwill is a ...................
A. Investments
B. Fixed Assets
C. Current Assets
D. Liabilities
Ans. B
___________ tag defines end of a paragraph.
A. <END>
B. <P>
C. </END>
D. </P>
Ans. D
___________ tag displays the text exactly in the same way as you typed it.
B. <PRE>
D. None of these
Ans. B
__________ is an HTML editor.
A. Notepad
B. Google Chrome
C. Internet Explorer
D. Mozilla Firefox
Ans. A
.MP3 is a/an ________________ file.
A. Audio
B. Video
C. Animation
D. Hypermedia
Ans. A
Windows come with two applications that play sound. They are Media Player and _____________.
A. Sound Recorder
B. Xing Player
C. Wave Studio
D. 3D Studio
Ans. A
Multimedia can be broadly classified into ______ categories.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. A
The ____________ is the world's largest computer network.
A. Internet
B. Google Chrome
C. Facebook
D. Wikipedia
Ans. A
FTP stands for _______________________.
A. File Transfer Protocol
B. First Transfer Picture
C. Full Transfer Picture
D. None of these
Ans. A
ISP stands for __________________________.
A. Internet Service Protocol
B. Internet Service Provider
C. Internet System Protocol
D. Internet System Provider
Ans. B
______________ cables are very high quality cables.
A. Co-axial
B. Fibre Optic
C. Twisted Pair
D. None of these
Ans. B
WAN stands for ________________.
A. Wide Area Network
B. World Area Network
C. Web Area Network
D. None of these
Ans. A
The ______________ key can not contain the same value in a table.
A. Foreign
B. Special
C. Primary
D. Unique
Ans. C
_____________ shortcut key is used to display Properties dialog box.
A. CtrL+Enter
B. Alt+Enter
C. Ctrl+Alt+Enter
D. None of these
Ans. B
A field name can be upto _________ characters long.
A. 32
B. 64
C. 100
D. 101
Ans. B
In MS-Access, each row in a table is called a _______________.
A. Record
B. Form
C. Query
D. Field
Ans. A
_______________ shortcut key is used to justify a text in PowerPoint.
A. Ctrl+J
B. Ctrl+E
C. Ctrl+F
D. Ctrl+H
Ans. A
_________ can be found in several fonts, such as the lightning bolt found in the Webdings font.
A. Shapes
B. Animation
C. Symbols
D. Clip Art
Ans. C
In PowerPoint, Spell check can be performed by _______ function key.
A. F5
B. F6
C. F7
D. F8
Ans. C
_____________ shows a ranking relationship between data.
A. Matrix
B. Pyramid
C. Hierarchy
D. Cycle
Ans. C
In Excel 2010, the default file name extension is ___________.
D. None of these
Ans. B
SmartArt is a feature of ____________________.
A. MS-Word
B. MS-Excel
C. MS-Powerpoint
D. MS-Office
Ans. D
Now ( ) is a _____________ function.
A. Mathematical
B. Financial
C. Statistical
D. None of these
Ans. D
There are _______________ columns in MS-Excel 2007.
A. 255
B. 256
C. 16384
D. 65536
Ans. C
If the ____________ displays a Signatures button, the document has an invisible signature.
A. Ribbon
B. Quick Access Toolbar
C. Task bar
D. Status bar
Ans. D
________ orientation means the short edge of the paper is across the top.
A. Normal
B. Landscape
C. Portrait
D. None of these
Ans. C
Control Panel provides different ……………………to change the settings of Windows
A. Menus
B. Commands
C. Tools
D. Devices
Ans. C
…………………program has no menu bar.
A. Character Map
B. Phone Dialer
C. Calculator
D. None of these
Ans. A
Notepad is a ........................... program.
A. Word Processor
B. Text Editor
C. Operating System
D. System Software
Ans. B
Warm Booting is the process of _____________ the computer.
A. Shut Down
B. Start
C. Re-Start
D. All of these
Ans. C
___________ command is used to moov one directory back in MS-Dos.
A. CD.
B. CD..
C. MD.
D. MD..
Ans. B
In DOS, ______________ commands are parts of a file called COMMAND.COM
A. Internal
B. External
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
In DOS, a primary file name can have ___________ characters long.
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
Ans. C
The two major categories of Number system are…………………………
A. Binary & Decimal
B. Positional & Non-positional
C. Positional & Octal
D. Decimal & Octal
Ans. B
CPU has following components :
Ans. B
RAM stores data ……………………
A. Permanently
B. Temporarily
C. For 1 day
D. For 1 week
Ans. B
Printers are ……………………… devices.
A. Input
B. Output
C. Processing
D. None
Ans. B
Input, Output or Storing devices are the types of………………
B. Peripheral Devices
C. Storing Devices
D. None
Ans. B
The ________ tool selects an object by drawing a rectangle arount it in Photoshop.
A. Marquee
B. Lasso
C. Polygonal Lasso
D. Magnetic Lasso
Ans. A
__________ places the selected object to the front in CorelDraw.
A. Shift+PgUp
B. Shift+PgDn
C. Ctrl+PgUp
D. Ctrl+PgDn
Ans. A
_________ shortcut key is used to go to a page in PageMaker.
A. Ctrl+G
B. Shift+G
C. Ctrl+Shift+G
D. Alt+Ctrl+G
Ans. D
__________ is used to arrange a number of objects overlapping in the same layer.
A. Masking
B. Cropping
C. Stacking
D. None of these
Ans. C
PageMaker is a powerful ______________ application.
A. Spreadsheet
B. Word Processing
C. Database
D. None of these
Ans. D
To Delete the stock group Press ……………
A. Ctrl+D
B. Ctrl+M
C. Alt+D
D. Alt+M
Ans. A
Inventory is a type of................
A. Inventory voucher
B. Accounting software
C. Working mode
D. None of these
Ans. C
F5 is used to..................
A. Payment Voucher
B. Journal Voucher
C. Purchases
D. Contra Voucher
Ans. A
A................... is a basic recording document.
A. Ledger
B. Transaction
C. Voucher
D. None of these
Ans. C
To open Help in Tally, press......................
A. Alt+C
B. Alt+H
C. Ctrl+A
D. Alt+W
Ans. B
___________ attribute is used to change the Font style.
D. None of these
Ans. C
___________ tag simply inserts a line break.
A. <BR>
C. <LB>
Ans. A
HTML stands for ____________________.
A. Hyper Text Markup Language
B. Hyper Text Machine Language
C. Hyper Text Media Language
D. Hyper Text Multimedia Language
Ans. A
Win Amp is used to play all types of ____________ files.
A. Audio
B. Video
C. Animation
D. All of these
Ans. A
The Sound Recorder can record a maximum of ______ audio in WAV format.
A. 1 Minute
B. 5 Minutes
C. 7 Minutes
D. No Limit
Ans. A
Video Capture Cards come in Two basic models, Still Image Grabber and ______.
A. Still Video Grabber
B. Video Grabber
C. Frame Grabber
D. None of these
Ans. C
Which one is a Search Engine?
A. Yahoo!
B. Alta Vista
C. HotBot
D. All of these
Ans. D
URL stands for __________________________.
A. Unique Restore Locator
B. Unique Resource Locator
C. Uniform Resource Locator
D. Uniform Restore Locator
Ans. C
A _____________ is a set of rules.
A. Topology
B. Protocol
D. Netwoking
Ans. B
The twisted pair cables contain _________ wires.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 6
Ans. A
The smallest type of comuter networking is _____________.
Ans. C
_____________ shortcut key is used to close MS-Access.
A. Alt+F4
B. Ctrl+F4
C. Ctrl+Alt+F4
D. None of these
Ans. A
In MS-Access, the Text data type can store upto ___________ characters.
A. 200
B. 225
C. 250
D. 255
Ans. D
In MS-Access, each column in a table is called a _______________.
A. Record
B. Form
C. Query
D. Field
Ans. D
_______________ shortcut key is used to replace a text in PowerPoint.
A. Ctrl+G
B. Ctrl+H
C. Ctrl+D
D. Ctrl+F
Ans. B
A ___________ is a list with several levels of indented text.
A. Nested List
B. Formating List
C. Bulleted List
D. Numbered List
Ans. A
_____________ shows a building relationship.
A. Matrix
B. Pyramid
C. Hierarchy
D. Cycle
Ans. B
There are _______________ rows in MS-Excel 2007.
A. 65536
B. 1048576
C. 1052378
D. 1032372
Ans. B
An Excel file name can have a maximum of ___________ characters.
A. 100
B. 255
C. 345
D. in
Ans. B
By default, a workbook opens with __________ blank worksheets.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. B
The status bar appears at the ____________ of the Excel window.
A. Left
B. Right
C. Top
D. Bottom
Ans. D
____________ shortcut key is used to open new document in Word.
A. Ctrl+N
B. Ctrl+M
C. Ctrl+L
D. Ctrl+H
Ans. A
In MS-Word, to capitalize all selected words, press _______________.
Ans. A
In MS-Word, a file is known as a ____________________.
A. Project
B. File
C. Document
D. Workbook
Ans. C
In MS-Word, to move to the left one word, press ________________ .
A. Left Arrow
B. Ctrl+Left Arrow
C. Alt+Left Arrow
D. Ctrl+Home
Ans. B
GUI Stands for..........................
A. Graph Utility Interchange
B. Graphical Utility Interchange
C. Graphical User Interface
D. Graph User Interface
Ans. C
Windows 2000 professional was the upgraded version of.......................
A. Windows 98
B. Windows XP
C. Windows Millennium Edition
D. Windows NT workstation 4.0
Ans. D
By Default taskbar appears at the .............. of the desktop screen.
A. Top
B. Bottom
C. Left
D. Right
Ans. B
My Computer, My Document, Network Neighborhood, and Recycle Bin are...........................
A. Shortcut Icons
B. Program Icons
C. System Icons
D. Document Icons
Ans. C
The first version of DOS was 1.0 and was launched in _____________.
A. 1980
B. 1981
C. 1982
D. 1983
Ans. B
____________ provides an interface between the user and the hardware.
B. OS/2
D. Operating System
Ans. D
DOS supports _____________ at a time.
A. Single User
B. Single Task
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. C
____________ is a Multi-User Operating System.
A. Windowsw NT
B. Linux
C. Unix
D. All of these
Ans. D
GIGO stands for………………………
A. Garbage Input Garbage Out
B. Garbage In Garbage Output
C. Garbage In Garbage Out
D. Garbage In Goal Out
Ans. C
Computers are used in …………………..
A. Education
B. Banking
C. Business
D. All
Ans. D
Charles Babbage was invented………………………… types of computer.
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Ans. B
A Computer can perform ……………………………..operations.
A. Airthmetic
B. Logical
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. C
UNIVAC stands for…………………….
A. Universal Automatic Computer
B. Universal Automatic Compute
C. Universal Advance Computer
D. None
Ans. B
C is a ___________ Programming Language.
A. High Level
B. Low Level
C. 4th Generation
D. None of these
Ans. A
C has been developed by ___________________.
A. Dennis Richards
B. Dennis James
C. Dennis Ritche
D. None of these
Ans. C
The VB IDE is made up of ____________ component.
A. Menu Bar
B. Properties Window
C. Form Designer
D. All of these
Ans. D
In Oracle, the __________ help to perform complex security checking for an event.
A. Alerts
B. Triggers
C. Procedures
D. None of these
Ans. B
Oracle provides the database access language, called _______________.
B. 4GL
C. C++
D. Java
Ans. A
SQL commands are broadly classified into _________ categories.
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
Ans. B
In Oracle, if the Client and the Server are on separate machines they communicate via ____________.
A. SQL *Net
B. SQL *Plus
C. SQL *Forms
D. None of these
Ans. A
The First Version of Oracle (Oracle 2) was introduced in _____________.
A. 1978
B. 1980
C. 1981
D. 1982
Ans. D
An Array is a collection of items of the same ___________.
A. Variable
B. Propertie
C. Data Type
D. Function
Ans. C
___________ are fixed values that don't change during program execution.
A. Variables
B. Classes
C. Constants
D. None of these
Ans. C
in VB 6.0, the __________ control displays a text that can not be modified.
A. Pointer
B. ComboBox
C. Label
D. TextBox
Ans. C
VB 6.0 is a ______________ Programming Language.
A. Low Level
B. Middle Level
C. High Level
D. 4GL
Ans. C
VB 6.0 has been created by __________________.
A. Microsoft
B. Oracle
Ans. A
A/An __________ is a special variable which contains memory address.
A. Array
B. Constant
C. Pointer
D. Class
Ans. C
C is a successor of _______ Language which was introduced around 1970.
A. Pascal
B. C++
C. B
Ans. C
There are ___________ keywords in C.
A. 28
B. 30
C. 32
D. 34
Ans. C
In C, ________ is called Logical NOT operator.
A. $
B. |
C. ||
D. !
Ans. D
A/An ____________ is a named location of storage to hold a value.
A. Variable
B. Array
C. Pointer
D. Modifier
Ans. A
Each C program has atleast one mandatory function, called ____________.
A. stdio.h
B. main()
C. printf()
D. include()
Ans. B
C was developed in early __________ at Dell Labs of AT & T, USA.
A. 1968
B. 1972
C. 1974
D. 1978
Ans. B
The maximum size of CHAR (W) data type of Oracle is ___________.
A. 250
B. 255
C. 256
D. 285
Ans. B
PL/SQL is a ___________ language for Oracle Server and its Clients.
A. Procedural
B. Programming
C. Packages
D. None of these
Ans. A
PL stands for _________________.
A. Programming Language
B. Procedural Language
C. Packages language
D. None of these
Ans. B
___________ are groups of procedures, functions, variables and SQL statements in one unit.
A. Cursors
B. Exceptions
C. Constructs
D. Packages
Ans. D
A __________ is a temporary work area while a SQL statement is executed.
A. Buffer
B. Cursor
C. Clipboard
D. Clipart
Ans. B
In Vb, MDI stands for _____________________.
A. Mutual Document Interface
B. Mutual Document Interchange
C. Multiple Document Interface
D. Multiple Document Interchange
Ans. C
Sub Procedures are of two types. Event Precedure and ____________.
A. Array Procedure
B. Property Procedure
C. Function Procedure
D. General Procedure
Ans. D
Procedures are of 3 types. Sub Procedure, Function Procedure and ____________.
A. Array Procedure
B. Property Procedure
C. Event Procedure
D. General Procedure
Ans. B
An Array is a collection of items of the same ___________.
A. Variable
B. Propertie
C. Data Type
D. Function
Ans. C
________ are used to execute a block of statements repeatedly based on a condition.
A. Loops
B. Functions
C. Variables
D. None of these
Ans. A
In a VB program, you can type maximum of ________ characters in a line.
A. 1021
B. 1023
C. 1024
D. 1031
Ans. B
A Variable without declaring its type, it is called a ______ Variable in VB 6.0.
A. Variant
B. Integer
C. Boolean
D. Byte
Ans. A
We declare a Variable with _______ keyword in Vb 6.0.
A. Let
B. Dim
C. Var
D. Dec
Ans. B
The "Byte" Data Type has the value range 0 to _______ in VB 6.0.
A. 255
B. 32765
C. 32767
D. 65400
Ans. A
The ____________ Data Type stores True/False data in VB 6.0.
A. Single
B. Logical
C. Boolean
D. Variant
Ans. C
A variable name can not contain ________ character in VB 6.0.
A. Ampersand
B. Dollar
C. Percentage
D. All of these
Ans. D
A variable name can not be more than ________ characters in VB 6.0.
A. 255
B. 256
C. 275
D. 276
Ans. A
___________ are fixed values that don't change during program execution.
A. Variables
B. Classes
C. Constants
D. None of these
Ans. C
All the __________ in the ToolBox except Pointer are objectsin VB 6.0.
A. Controls
B. Properties
C. Methods
D. Events
Ans. A
Comments are written using ______________ in VB 6.0.
A. Ampersand
B. Apostrophe
C. Star
D. Hash
Ans. B
A/An __________ is a type of variable that holds more than one value.
A. Array
B. Constant
C. Pointer
D. Class
Ans. A
A/An __________ is a special variable which contains memory address.
A. Array
B. Constant
C. Pointer
D. Class
Ans. C
In C, ________ provide a way to repeat commands and controls.
A. Loops
B. Constants
C. Interpreters
D. Class
Ans. A
In C, ________ operator works on bits and perform bit by bit operation.
A. Bitmap
B. Bitwise
C. Bitlike
D. Bitop
Ans. B
In C, ________ is called Logical NOT operator.
A. $
B. |
C. ||
D. !
Ans. D
In C, ________ is called Logical OR operator.
A. $
B. |
C. ||
D. @
Ans. C
In C, ________ is called Logical AND operator.
A. &&
B. &
C. $$
D. $
Ans. A
In C, ________ is an increment operator that increases integer value by one.
A. +
B. ++
C. &
D. #
Ans. B
_______________ are symbols that perform operations.
A. Modifiers
B. Comments
C. Constants
D. Operators
Ans. D
C Programming Lange has _________ main variable types.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. A
A PL/SQL block is made up of 3 parts. They are Declaration, Executable and ________.
A. Exception
B. Login
C. Instruction
D. Design
Ans. A
Oracle supports __________ SET Operators.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. C
Oracle provides a special table _________, used to test any function
Ans. D
The __________ command is used to remove an object from database in Oracle.
D. All of the above
Ans. C
SQL Commands are terminated by ___________.
A. Semicolon
B. Slash
C. Colon
D. Comma
Ans. A
___________ is used to control database objects in Oracle.
D. Query
Ans. C
___________ is used to manipulate database objects in Oracle.
D. Query
Ans. B
___________ is used to create and remove database objects in Oracle.
D. Query
Ans. A
SQL commands are broadly classified into _________ categories.
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
Ans. B
DCL stands for ________________________.
A. Data Centre Language
B. Data Control Language
C. Data Client Language
D. None of these
Ans. B
DDL stands for ________________________.
A. Data Dynamic Language
B. Data Distance Language
C. Data Definition Language
D. None of these
Ans. C
Each Account of the database of Oracle is created by __________.
C. Node
D. Client
Ans. A
In Oracle, if the Client and the Server are on separate machines they communicate via ____________.
A. SQL *Net
B. SQL *Plus
C. SQL *Forms
D. None of these
Ans. A
The Cleint is also referred to as a ______________ tool.
A. Back End
B. Front End
C. Server
D. None of these
Ans. B
In Oracle, the __________ help to perform complex security checking for an event.
A. Alerts
B. Triggers
C. Procedures
D. None of these
Ans. B
Ther are ___________ major tools of Oracle.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. C
The First Version of Oracle (Oracle 2) was introduced in _____________.
A. 1978
B. 1980
C. 1981
D. 1982
Ans. D
SQL was introduced by __________________.
A. Microsoft
B. Oracle
D. None of these
Ans. C
Oracle provides the database access language, called _______________.
B. 4GL
C. C++
D. Java
Ans. A
Oracle is one of the best ____________________.
C. Spreadsheet
D. All of the above
Ans. B
Press ___________ to run a program in VB 6.0.
A. F2
B. F3
C. F4
D. F5
Ans. D
To write a new program in VB 6.0, select __________ from New Project.
A. Standard.EXE
B. New.EXE
C. Program.EXE
D. Project.EXE
Ans. A
Press ___________ to show the Object Browser Window in VB 6.0.
A. F2
B. F3
C. F4
D. F5
Ans. A
Press ___________ to show the Immediate Window in VB 6.0.
A. Ctrl+W
B. Ctrl+D
C. Ctrl+G
D. Ctrl+I
Ans. C
in VB 6.0, the __________ control displays a text that can not be modified.
A. Pointer
B. ComboBox
C. Label
D. TextBox
Ans. C
in VB 6.0, the __________ control displays a True/False option.
A. CheckBox
B. OptionButton
C. ComboBox
D. TextBox
Ans. A
in VB 6.0, the __________ control connects to an existing database
B. Data
C. FileList
D. ListBox
Ans. B
The VB IDE is made up of ____________ component.
A. Menu Bar
B. Properties Window
C. Form Designer
D. All of these
Ans. D
IDE stands for ______________.
A. Integrated Development Environment
B. International Development Environment
C. Instrumental Development Environment
D. Interface Development Environmet
Ans. A
VB 6.0 is a ______________ Programming Language.
A. Low Level
B. Middle Level
C. High Level
D. 4GL
Ans. C
VB6.0 requires minimum of _________ RAM.
A. 8MB
B. 16MB
C. 32MB
D. 64MB
Ans. B
VB 6.0 was released in __________.
A. 1995
B. 1998
C. 2001
D. 2005
Ans. B
_________ is a feature of VB 6.0.
B. ActiveX
C. Control Array
D. All of these
Ans. D
VB 6.0 has been created by __________________.
A. Microsoft
B. Oracle
Ans. A
Visual Basic was developed from the __________ Programming Language.
A. C
B. C++
Ans. C
A/An ____________ is a named location of storage to hold a value.
A. Variable
B. Array
C. Pointer
D. Modifier
Ans. A
______________ are keywords used with basic data type to change its characteristics.
A. Comments
B. Variables
C. Pointers
D. Modifiers
Ans. D
______________ function is used to read an input from command line in C.
A. main()
B. scanf()
C. printf()
D. None of these
Ans. B
There are ___________ keywords in C.
A. 28
B. 30
C. 32
D. 34
Ans. C
_____________ are reserved words that have special meaning to the language.
A. Identifiers
B. Keywords
C. Variables
D. Pointers
Ans. B
All the comments are put inside ____________ in C programs.
A. /*…….*/
B. \*……*\
C. */………/*
D. *\.........\*
Ans. A
___________ are used to give additional information in C programs.
A. Functions
B. Header Files
C. Comments
D. Commands
Ans. C
Each C program has atleast one mandatory function, called ____________.
A. stdio.h
B. main()
C. printf()
D. include()
Ans. B
C programs can be written using _________________.
A. Text Editor
B. C Language
C. Compiler
D. Interpreter
Ans. A
All the C programs have the file extension __________.
A. .C
B. .CP
C. .CL
D. None of these
Ans. A
C is a successor of _______ Language which was introduced around 1970.
A. Pascal
B. C++
C. B
Ans. C
_____________ is the first Operating System, developed by C.
A. Windows
Ans. D
C was developed in early __________ at Dell Labs of AT & T, USA.
A. 1968
B. 1972
C. 1974
D. 1978
Ans. B
C has been developed by ___________________.
A. Dennis Richards
B. Dennis James
C. Dennis Ritche
D. None of these
Ans. C
C is a ___________ Programming Language.
A. High Level
B. Low Level
C. 4th Generation
D. None of these
Ans. A
Shortcut key to select "Move Tool" in Photoshop is ___________.
A. C
B. T
C. M
D. V
Ans. D
Voucher Class for Interest calculation created based on
A. Debit and Credit Note
B. Journal Voucher
C. Receipt and payment Voucher
D. Both a and b
Ans. A
In Photoshop, the Grayscale mode uses ________ shades of gray.
A. 255
B. 256
C. 275
D. 276
Ans. B
Tally provides a set of _____________ pre-defined groups.
A. 25
B. 28
C. 30
D. 34
Ans. B
We can cancel a voucher using
A. Alt + X
B. Ctrl + Shift + X
C. Ctrl + X
D. Shift + X
Ans. A
When creating a company, Tally creates a _______________ in the drive.
A. File
B. Folder
C. Directory
D. Sub-Directory
Ans. D
In Photoshop, an image is genrerally saved at _______________ resolution.
A. 68 PPI
B. 72 PPI
C. 78 PPI
D. 82 PPI
Ans. B
______________ button is used to access the configuration settings.
A. F2
B. F4
C. F10
D. F12
Ans. D
You can use the select company option in two ways. From the company information menu or using _________________ button.
A. F1
B. F2
C. F3
D. F5
Ans. A
__________ draws ellipses and circles in CorelDraw.
A. F3
B. F5
C. F7
D. F9
Ans. C
__________ draws rectangles in CorelDraw.
A. F4
B. F5
C. F6
D. F8
Ans. C
__________ edits the nodes of an object in CorelDraw.
A. F9
B. F10
C. F11
D. F12
Ans. B
__________ places the selected object to the front in CorelDraw.
A. Shift+PgUp
B. Shift+PgDn
C. Ctrl+PgUp
D. Ctrl+PgDn
Ans. A
__________ places the selected object to the back in CorelDraw.
A. Shift+PgUp
B. Shift+PgDn
C. Ctrl+PgUp
D. Ctrl+PgDn
Ans. B
__________ combiles the selected objects in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+K
B. Ctrl+G
C. Ctrl+H
D. Ctrl+L
Ans. D
If the document is unnamed in Photoshop, the name displayed as ________.
A. File-1
B. Document-1
C. Untitled-1
D. None of these
Ans. C
Default file extension of a Photoshop file is ___________.
Ans. A
The ________ tool selects an object by drawing a staight-edge boarder arount it in Photoshop.
A. Marquee
B. Lasso
C. Polygonal Lasso
D. Magnetic Lasso
Ans. C
The ________ tool selects an object by drawing a rectangle arount it in Photoshop.
A. Marquee
B. Lasso
C. Polygonal Lasso
D. Magnetic Lasso
Ans. A
The ________ tool selects an object by drawing a freehand boarder arount it in Photoshop.
A. Marquee
B. Lasso
C. Polygonal Lasso
D. Magnetic Lasso
Ans. B
Every PhotoShop CS3 document contains at least __________ layer(s).
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Ans. A
In PhotoShop, the History palette can store upto __________ stages.
A. 18
B. 20
C. 22
D. 24
Ans. B
PhotoShop is a product of ______________.
A. Microsoft
B. Corel
C. Adobe
D. None of these
Ans. C
PhotoShop is a powerful _________________ program.
A. Graphics Editing
B. Spreadsheet
C. Presentation
D. Word Processing
Ans. A
Shortcut key to select "Blur/Sharpen/Smudge Tool" in Photoshop is ___________.
A. T
B. S
C. B
D. R
Ans. D
Transfer of materials from one godown to another godown, use
A. Stock Journal
B. Purchase Journal
C. Manufacturing Journal
D. Both a and b
Ans. A
Shortcut key to select "Shape Tool" in Photoshop is ___________.
A. T
B. U
C. B
D. R
Ans. B
Multiple godowns are activated from
A. F11 > F1
B. F11 > F2
C. F11 > F3
D. F11
Ans. B
_____ is the shortcut to select a company in Tally.
A. Alt+F1
B. Alt+F2
C. Alt+F3
D. F1
Ans. D
In account only ................... is not calculated by Tally.
A. Opening stock
B. Closing stock
C. Capital
D. None of these
Ans. D
Accounts only is used to maintain only the....................... transaction of the company.
A. Financial
B. Inventory
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
To open Help in Tally, press......................
A. Alt+C
B. Alt+H
C. Ctrl+A
D. Alt+W
Ans. B
Tally logo is displayed at the.............. of the Top area.
A. Right
B. Left
C. Centre
D. Bottom
Ans. B
Single entry is applicable for
A. Receipt Voucher
B. Payment Voucher
C. Contra Voucher
D. None of these
Ans. D
What is Compound Unit.........................
A. Dozen
B. Liters
C. Pairs
D. All of the above
Ans. D
What is Unit of measurement...
A. Measurement of goods
B. Ledger Creation
C. Item Creation
D. All of the above
Ans. A
We can Cancel a voucher using
A. Alt+X
B. Ctrl+X
C. Ctrl+shift+X
D. Shift+X
Ans. A
We can get the report of interest from..
A. Account Books
B. Cash & Fund Flow
C. Inventory Book
D. Statement of A/c
Ans. A
The ..Option is used to view Stock items or Group Summary.
A. Accounts Book
B. Inventory Book
C. Display
D. Statutory Books
Ans. B
The shortcut of Receipt Note Voucher in tally is...
A. Alt+F9
B. Ctrl+F9
C. Ctrl+F8
D. None of these
Ans. A
What is Stock Summary in inventory?
A. Ledger
B. Report of Party
C. Statement of goods
D. Statement of transaction
Ans. C
Stock-in-Hand includes..................
A. Materials
B. Stock of Raw
C. Stock of Finished Goods
D. All of the above
Ans. D
__________ combiles the selected objects in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+K
B. Ctrl+G
C. Ctrl+H
D. Ctrl+L
Ans. D
Sub Procedures are of two types. Event Precedure and ____________.
A. Array Procedure
B. Property Procedure
C. Function Procedure
D. General Procedure
Ans. D
Procedures are of 3 types. Sub Procedure, Function Procedure and ____________.
A. Array Procedure
B. Property Procedure
C. Event Procedure
D. General Procedure
Ans. B
An Array is a collection of items of the same ___________.
A. Variable
B. Propertie
C. Data Type
D. Function
Ans. C
Inventory is a type of................
A. Inventory voucher
B. Accounting software
C. Working mode
D. None of these
Ans. C
To Delete the stock group Press ……………
A. Ctrl+D
B. Ctrl+M
C. Alt+D
D. Alt+M
Ans. A
The country with highest GST Rate in the world is ?
A. India
B. China
C. France
D. Australia
Ans. D
Tally is developed by………..
B. Microsoft
C. Petronius
Ans. C
There are two types of graphic files. They are Bitmap and ___________.
A. Vector
B. Image
C. Mono
D. None of these
Ans. A
CorelDraw X3 is also known as _____________.
A. Version 11
B. Version 12
C. Version 13
D. Version 14
Ans. C
PhotoShop is a powerful _________________ program.
A. Graphics Editing
B. Spreadsheet
C. Presentation
D. Word Processing
Ans. A
PageMaker includes _________ built in tracks from very loose to very tight.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. D
PageMaker is a powerful ______________ application.
A. Spreadsheet
B. Word Processing
C. Database
D. None of these
Ans. D
VB 6.0 has been created by __________________.
A. Microsoft
B. Oracle
Ans. A
C is a ___________ Programming Language.
A. High Level
B. Low Level
C. 4th Generation
D. None of these
Ans. A
What is Compound Unit.........................
A. Dozen
B. Liters
C. Pairs
D. All of the above
Ans. D
What is Unit of measurement……...
A. Measurement of goods
B. Ledger Creation
C. Item Creation
D. All of the above
Ans. A
Vehicle is a.....................
A. Personal A/c
B. Real A/c
C. Nominal A/c
D. Capital A/c
Ans. B
A workstation is also called a _____________.
A. Network
B. Hub
C. Node
D. Server
Ans. C
The smallest type of comuter networking is _____________.
Ans. C
Multimedia contains ___________ files.
A. Audio
B. Video
C. Text
D. All of these
Ans. D
The HTML file must have ________ extension.
A. htm
B. html
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. C
_______________ shortcut key is used to replace a text in PowerPoint.
A. Ctrl+G
B. Ctrl+H
C. Ctrl+D
D. Ctrl+F
Ans. B
_______________ shortcut key is used to find a text in PowerPoint.
A. Ctrl+G
B. Ctrl+H
C. Ctrl+D
D. Ctrl+F
Ans. D
____________ function key is used for Slide Show in Powerpoint.
A. F3
B. F4
C. F5
D. F6
Ans. C
The basic feature of an electronic spreadsheed application is __________.
A. Auto Fill
B. Auto Sum
C. Auto Re-Calculation
D. Formulae
Ans. C
In Excel, a formula begins with _________ symbol.
A. Dollar
B. Ampersand
C. Plus
D. None of these
Ans. C
_________ are pop-up notes that can be inserted into the worksheet.
A. Remarks
B. Notes
C. Comments
D. Cell Info
Ans. C
The ___________ feature of Excel fills a series of data in a worksheet.
A. Auto Fill
B. Filling
C. Cell Reference
D. Auto Cell
Ans. A
A ___________ is a large capital letter at the beginning of a text.
A. Signature Line
B. Word Art
C. Drop Cap
D. None of these
Ans. C
In MS-Word, ___________ is used to fix the cursor position in a document.
A. Cross Reference
B. Hyperlink
C. Bookmark
D. None of these
Ans. C
A _____________ is a grid of cells.
A. Field
B. Table
C. Record
D. None of these
Ans. B
____________ menu displays information about opened document.
A. Info
B. Summary
C. Remarks
D. None of these
Ans. A
When we create a table, MS-Word automatically surrounds it with a __________.
A. Margin
B. Caption
C. Highlight
D. Border
Ans. D
In MS-Word, each row in a data source is called a/an ______________.
A. Object
B. Level
C. Record
D. Source Line
Ans. C
A _____________ is text that appears at the top of each page.
A. Legend
B. Header
C. Footer
D. Section
Ans. B
A _____________ is a macro that is unavailable to Word.
A. Locked macro
B. Disabled macro
C. Blocked macro
D. Closed source macro
Ans. B
Notepad is a ........................... program.
A. Word Processor
B. Text Editor
C. Operating System
D. System Software
Ans. B
OS makes a bridge between ………………………………..
A. Hardware & Software
B. OS & Applications
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
To close any application, press...................
A. Ctrl+F4
B. Ctrl+Alt+Del
C. Ctrl+Alt+F4
D. Alt+F4
Ans. D
My Computer, My Document, Network Neighborhood, and Recycle Bin are...........................
A. Shortcut Icons
B. Program Icons
C. System Icons
D. Document Icons
Ans. C
____________ is a Multi-User Operating System.
A. Windowsw NT
B. Linux
C. Unix
D. All of these
Ans. D
DOS is a _________________ Operating System.
A. Single User
B. Multi User
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
___________ command is used to make a directory in MS-DOS.
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. C
The ………………………. is used to store the data and programs currently in use.
A. Primary Memory
B. Auxiliary Memory
C. Cache Memory
D. None
Ans. A
The ………….………… is logically positioned between the internal memory and main memory.
A. Primary Memory
B. Auxiliary Memory
C. Cache Memory
D. None
Ans. C
The ………………………. memory is accessed directly by the processor.
A. Main Memory
B. Auxiliary Memory
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. B
The binary 1011 is equivalent to decimal …………….
A. 11
B. 4
C. 5
D. 10
Ans. A
The base of Binary number is ……………………
A. 2
B. 4
C. 8
D. 10
Ans. A
The natural numbers are represented as the …………………….number system.
A. Binary
B. Decimal
C. Hexadecimal
D. Octal
Ans. B
__________ combiles the selected objects in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+K
B. Ctrl+G
C. Ctrl+H
D. Ctrl+L
Ans. D
__________ places the selected object to the front in CorelDraw.
A. Shift+PgUp
B. Shift+PgDn
C. Ctrl+PgUp
D. Ctrl+PgDn
Ans. A
__________ edits the nodes of an object in CorelDraw.
A. F9
B. F10
C. F11
D. F12
Ans. B
__________ draws rectangles in CorelDraw.
A. F4
B. F5
C. F6
D. F8
Ans. C
CorelDraw is developed and marketed by Corel Corporation of _________.
A. Canada
D. France
Ans. A
PhotoShop is a product of ______________.
A. Microsoft
B. Corel
C. Adobe
D. None of these
Ans. C
PhotoShop is a powerful _________________ program.
A. Graphics Editing
B. Spreadsheet
C. Presentation
D. Word Processing
Ans. A
The _____________ is the background behind the PageMaker document.
A. Pasteboard
B. Image Rate
C. Object
D. None of these
Ans. A
If the document is unnamed in PageMaker, the name displayed as ________.
A. File-1
B. Document-1
C. Untitled-1
D. None of these
Ans. C
PageMaker is available for _____________ systems.
A. Windows
B. Apple Mac
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. C
PageMaker is a product of ______________.
A. Microsoft
B. Corel
C. Adobe
D. None of these
Ans. C
PageMaker is a powerful ______________ application.
A. Spreadsheet
B. Word Processing
C. Database
D. None of these
Ans. D
Shortcut key to select "Blur/Sharpen/Smudge Tool" in Photoshop is ___________.
A. T
B. S
C. B
D. R
Ans. D
The ________ tool selects an object by drawing a staight-edge boarder arount it in Photoshop.
A. Marquee
B. Lasso
C. Polygonal Lasso
D. Magnetic Lasso
Ans. C
Default file extension of a Photoshop file is ___________.
Ans. A
The ____________ command is used to scan an image into te publication in PageMaker.
A. Export
B. Import
C. Acquire
D. Revert
Ans. C
________ adjusts the space between lines in PageMaker.
A. Kerning
B. Laeading
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. B
Powerpoint is a product of ________________.
A. Adobe
B. Microsoft
D. Alphabet
Ans. B
Powerpoint is a _______________ application.
A. Presentation
B. Spreadsheet
Ans. A
The default view for a worksheet is ___________________.
A. Basic View
B. Page View
C. Normal View
D. Standard View
Ans. C
The status bar appears at the ____________ of the Excel window.
A. Left
B. Right
C. Top
D. Bottom
Ans. D
By default, Excel positions number in a cell __________________.
A. Left
B. Right
C. Centre
D. Justify
Ans. B
By default, Excel positions text in a cell __________________.
A. Left
B. Right
C. Centre
D. Justify
Ans. A
An Excel file is called a _________________.
A. File
B. Document
C. Worksheet
D. Workbook
Ans. D
In MS-Word, to move to the left one word, press ________________ .
A. Left Arrow
B. Ctrl+Left Arrow
C. Alt+Left Arrow
D. Ctrl+Home
Ans. B
MS-Word has _______ Views.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. D
MS-Word has _______ Rulers.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. A
The _________ is the control center for MS-Word.
A. Ribbon
B. Status Bar
C. Tab
D. Ruler
Ans. A
A file name can have a maximum of ________ characters in MS-Word 2010.
A. 32
B. 100
C. 260
D. 1024
Ans. C
The first Screen appears on monitor is called...................
A. Icons
B. Desktop
C. Task Bar
D. Title Bar
Ans. B
Windows 2000 professional was the upgraded version of.......................
A. Windows 98
B. Windows XP
C. Windows Millennium Edition
D. Windows NT workstation 4.0
Ans. D
OS Stands for..........................
A. Original System
B. Operating Software
C. Operating System
D. Original Software
Ans. C
GUI Stands for..........................
A. Graph Utility Interchange
B. Graphical Utility Interchange
C. Graphical User Interface
D. Graph User Interface
Ans. C
MS-Windows is a/an ...................................
A. System Software
B. Application Software
C. Hardware Program
D. Utility Program
Ans. A
VER command of MS-DOS displays the current version of ______________.
A. Command
B. System
D. Computer
Ans. C
Warm Booting is the process of _____________ the computer.
A. Shut Down
B. Start
C. Re-Start
D. All of these
Ans. C
___________ commands are loaded in the memory while booting the system.
A. Internal
B. External
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
Every disk has one basic directory, called __________________.
A. DOS Directory
B. Prompt Directory
C. First Directory
D. Root Directory
Ans. D
___________ command is used to make a directory in MS-DOS.
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. C
___________ Command is used to return to the Root Directory in MS-DOS.
A. CD\
B. CD/
C. MD\
D. MD/
Ans. A
___________ command is used to moov one directory back in MS-Dos.
A. CD.
B. CD..
C. MD.
D. MD..
Ans. B
There are __________ types of Wildcard Characters in MS-DOS.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. A
______________ command is used to create a new file in DOS.
D. None of these
Ans. D
CPU stands for ………………………
A. Central Period Unit
B. Center Processing Unit
C. Central Processing Unit
D. None
Ans. C
Input, Output or Storing devices are the types of………………
B. Peripheral Devices
C. Storing Devices
D. None
Ans. B
The hardware components are classified as…………………………
B. Peripheral Devices
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. C
CRT stands for………………..
A. Cathode Ray Tubes
B. Cathode Right Tube
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. A
Printers are ……………………… devices.
A. Input
B. Output
C. Processing
D. None
Ans. B
Desktop and Portable Computers are the example of ………………computer.
A. Mini Computer
B. Super Computer
C. Mainframe Computer
D. Micro Computer
Ans. D
A ___________ is a list with several levels of indented text.
A. Nested List
B. Formating List
C. Bulleted List
D. Numbered List
Ans. A
Font style can include ______________.
A. Bold
B. Italic
C. Underline
D. All of these
Ans. D
In PowerPoint, Spell check can be performed by _______ function key.
A. F5
B. F6
C. F7
D. F8
Ans. C
A _____________ is a set of colours, fonts and special effects.
A. Theme
B. Animation
C. Transition
D. None of these
Ans. A
A presentation can include ______________.
A. Pictures
B. Sound
C. Video
D. All of these
Ans. D
A PowerPoint presentation is made up of a series of __________.
A. Pages
B. Worksheets
C. Slides
D. Records
Ans. C
The file name extension of a PowerPoint 2010 file is __________.
Ans. B
Powerpoint is a product of ________________.
A. Adobe
B. Microsoft
D. Alphabet
Ans. B
Powerpoint is a _______________ application.
A. Presentation
B. Spreadsheet
Ans. A
A _______________ is a pictorial representation of data in a worksheet.
A. Solver
B. Clipart
C. Pivot Table
D. Graphs
Ans. D
MS-Excel has ____________________ component(s).
A. Spreadsheet
B. Database
C. Graphs
D. All of these
Ans. D
By default, a workbook opens with __________ blank worksheets.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. B
Each workbook has several _______________.
A. Rows
B. Columns
C. Worksheet
D. Rows and Columns
Ans. C
The intersection of a row and a column is called a ____________.
A. Cell
B. Sheet
C. Page
D. Section
Ans. A
The default view for a worksheet is ___________________.
A. Basic View
B. Page View
C. Normal View
D. Standard View
Ans. C
The status bar appears at the ____________ of the Excel window.
A. Left
B. Right
C. Top
D. Bottom
Ans. D
By default, Excel positions number in a cell __________________.
A. Left
B. Right
C. Centre
D. Justify
Ans. B
By default, Excel positions text in a cell __________________.
A. Left
B. Right
C. Centre
D. Justify
Ans. A
An Excel file is called a _________________.
A. File
B. Document
C. Worksheet
D. Workbook
Ans. D
________ orientation means the short edge of the paper is across the top.
A. Normal
B. Landscape
C. Portrait
D. None of these
Ans. C
A __________ is a predefined format settings in MS-Word.
A. Wizard
B. Form Letter
C. Cover Letter
D. Template
Ans. D
To create a hanging indent in MS-Word, press _____________ shortcut keys.
A. Ctrl+M
B. Ctrl+T
C. Ctrl+H
D. Ctrl+2
Ans. B
In MS-Word, to capitalize all selected words, press _______________.
Ans. A
In MS-Word, a file is known as a ____________________.
A. Project
B. File
C. Document
D. Workbook
Ans. C
In MS-Word, to move to the left one word, press ________________ .
A. Left Arrow
B. Ctrl+Left Arrow
C. Alt+Left Arrow
D. Ctrl+Home
Ans. B
MS-Word has _______ Views.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. D
MS-Word has _______ Rulers.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. A
The _________ is the control center for MS-Word.
A. Ribbon
B. Ruler
C. Status Bar
D. Tab
Ans. A
A file name can have a maximum of ________ characters in MS-Word 2010.
A. 32
B. 100
C. 260
D. 1024
Ans. C
The Sound Recorder can record a maximum of ______ audio in WAV format.
A. 1 Minute
B. 5 Minutes
C. 7 Minutes
D. No Limit
Ans. A
Windows come with two applications that play sound. They are Media Player and _____________.
A. Sound Recorder
B. Xing Player
C. Wave Studio
D. 3D Studio
Ans. A
_____________ is a multimedia software.
A. Media Player
B. Xing Player
C. Wave Studio
D. All of these
Ans. D
Video Capture Cards come in Two basic models, Still Image Grabber and ______.
A. Still Video Grabber
B. Video Grabber
C. Frame Grabber
D. None of these
Ans. C
Microphone is a/an _______________ device.
A. Input
B. Output
C. Storage
D. None of these
Ans. A
The ____________ is used to record and play sounds.
A. Microphone
B. Sound Card
C. Speaker
D. All of these
Ans. B
Non-linear content is also known as ___________ content.
A. Animation
B. Still Images
C. Hypermedia
D. Video
Ans. C
Multimedia can be broadly classified into ______ categories.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. A
__________ is a part of Multimedia.
A. Animation
B. Still Images
C. Video
D. All of these
Ans. D
Multimedia contains ___________ files.
A. Audio
B. Video
C. Text
D. All of these
Ans. D
Which one is a Search Engine?
A. Yahoo!
B. Alta Vista
C. HotBot
D. All of these
Ans. D
FTP stands for _______________________.
A. File Transfer Protocol
B. First Transfer Picture
C. Full Transfer Picture
D. None of these
Ans. A
BCC stands for _______________________.
A. Blank Carbon Copy
B. Black Carbon Copy
C. Blind Carbon Copy
D. Blue Carbon Copy
Ans. C
NCSA Mosaic is a _____________________.
A. Web Browser
C. Modem
D. None of these
Ans. A
URL stands for __________________________.
A. Unique Restore Locator
B. Unique Resource Locator
C. Uniform Resource Locator
D. Uniform Restore Locator
Ans. C
The ………….………… is logically positioned between the internal memory and main memory.
A. Primary Memory
B. Auxiliary Memory
C. Cache Memory
D. None
Ans. C
The ………………………. memory is accessed directly by the processor.
A. Main Memory
B. Auxiliary Memory
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. B
The binary 1011 is equivalent to decimal …………….
A. 11
B. 4
C. 5
D. 10
Ans. A
The base of Binary number is ……………………
A. 2
B. 4
C. 8
D. 10
Ans. A
The natural numbers are represented as the …………………….number system.
A. Binary
B. Decimal
C. Hexadecimal
D. Octal
Ans. B
CPU has following components :
Ans. B
All the comments are put inside ____________ in C programs.
A. /*…….*/
B. \*……*\
C. */………/*
D. *\.........\*
Ans. A
___________ are used to give additional information in C programs.
A. Functions
B. Header Files
C. Comments
D. Commands
Ans. C
Each C program has atleast one mandatory function, called ____________.
A. stdio.h
B. main()
C. printf()
D. include()
Ans. B
C programs can be written using _________________.
A. Text Editor
B. C Language
C. Compiler
D. Interpreter
Ans. A
All the C programs have the file extension __________.
A. .C
B. .CP
C. .CL
D. None of these
Ans. A
_____________ shortcut key is used to switch previous database window.
A. Ctrl+F6
B. Shift+F6
C. Ctrl+Shift+F6
D. F6
Ans. C
_____________ shortcut key is used to close active database window.
A. Ctrl+X
B. Ctrl+Y
C. Ctrl+R
D. Ctrl+W
Ans. D
_____________ shortcut key is used to open a database MS-Access.
A. Ctrl+S
B. Ctrl+O
C. Ctrl+U
D. None of these
Ans. B
A recordset is a ________ that displays group of records from a base table or as a query result.
A. Tables
B. Queries
C. Forms
D. None of these
Ans. A
There are ______ objects in MS-Access.
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
Ans. C
Oracle provides the database access language, called _______________.
B. 4GL
C. C++
D. Java
Ans. A
Oracle is one of the best ____________________.
C. Spreadsheet
D. All of the above
Ans. B
C is a successor of _______ Language which was introduced around 1970.
A. Pascal
B. C++
C. B
Ans. C
_____________ is the first Operating System, developed by C.
A. Windows
Ans. D
C was developed in early __________ at Dell Labs of AT & T, USA.
A. 1968
B. 1972
C. 1974
D. 1978
Ans. B
C has been developed by ___________________.
A. Dennis Richards
B. Dennis James
C. Dennis Ritche
D. None of these
Ans. C
C is a ___________ Programming Language.
A. High Level
B. Low Level
C. 4th Generation
D. None of these
Ans. A
Presently MySQL is maintained by ___________________.
A. Sun
C. Microsoft
D. Oracle
Ans. D
MySQL is one of the best ____________________.
C. Spreadsheet
D. All of the above
Ans. B
The smallest type of comuter networking is _____________.
Ans. C
The smallest type of comuter networking is _____________.
Ans. C
HTML stands for ____________________.
A. Hyper Text Markup Language
B. Hyper Text Machine Language
C. Hyper Text Media Language
D. Hyper Text Multimedia Language
Ans. A
HTML is a ____________________.
A. Programming Language
B. Markup Language
C. Internet Language
D. All of these
Ans. B
DOS has been developed by Microsoft Corporation of _________________.
C. Germany
D. Japan
Ans. A
DOS stands for _______________________.
A. Dirty Operating System
B. Disk Operating System
C. Dynamic Operating System
D. Dual Operating System
Ans. B
ENIAC, EDVAC & EDSAC are the computers of ...................................
A. First Generation
B. Second Generation
C. Third Generation
D. Fourth Generation
Ans. A
The first generation computers are based on the ................................
A. Microprocessor
B. Vaccum Tubes
C. Integrated Circuit
D. Transistor
Ans. B
The period of first generation is .............................
A. 1842-1855
B. 1855-1864
C. 1942-1955
D. None
Ans. C
Originally, the term "generation" was used to distinguish between varying..................
A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. A
The Computer Generation is classified into .............................categories.
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
Ans. C
Advantages of computers are....................................
A. Speed
B. Accuracy
C. Diligence
D. All
Ans. D
......................................was the first all electronic computer designed by Professor J.Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
Ans. D
The Difference Engine was based on the...........................principle.
A. Mathematical
B. Statically
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. A
____________ function key is used to open Save As dialog box In Word.
A. F9
B. F10
C. F11
D. F12
Ans. D
Abacus also known as .............................
A. Sorobon
B. Napier Bones
C. Pascal
D. None
Ans. A
To create a Line Break in MS-Word, press _____________.
A. Alt+Enter
B. Break
C. Shift+Enter
D. Ctrl+Enter
Ans. D
The mark I calculator performing...............................basic arithmetic operations.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. A
The basic unit of a PowerPoint presentation is the ______________.
A. Stack
B. Set
C. Slide
D. All of these
Ans. C
UNIVAC stands for........................................
A. Universal Automatic Computer
B. Universal Automatic Compute
C. Universal Advance Computer
D. None
Ans. B
_______________ shortcut key is used to hide the selected row.
A. Ctrl+6
B. Ctrl+7
C. Ctrl+8
D. Ctrl+9
Ans. D
_______________ shortcut key is used to copy formats in PowerPoint.
A. Ctrl+Shift+V
B. Ctrl+Shift+C
C. Ctrl+Shift+D
D. Ctrl+Shift+X
Ans. B
The two major categories of Number system are..............................................
A. Binary & Decimal
B. Positional & Non-positional
C. Positional & Octal
D. Decimal & Octal
Ans. B
CPU has following components :
Ans. B
The architecture of CPU based on the .............................................
A. Von Neumann Architecture
B. Babbage Architecture
C. Pascal Architecture
D. None
Ans. A
CPU stands for ..................................
A. Central Period Unit
B. Center Processing Unit
C. Central Processing Unit
D. None
Ans. C
Input, Output or Storing devices are the types of.............................
B. Peripheral Devices
C. Storing Devices
D. None
Ans. B
Excel displays the error message ___ in cells to indicate a cell reference error.
A. #REF#
B. #REF!
C. *REF*
D. !REF#
Ans. B
CRT stands for.................................
A. Cathode Ray Tubes
B. Cathode Right Tube
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. A
In MS-Word, ___________ is used to fix the cursor position in a document.
A. Cross Reference
B. Hyperlink
C. Bookmark
D. None of these
Ans. C
__________ opens dialog for changing colour balance in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+Shift+B
B. Ctrl+Shift+A
C. Ctrl+Shift+G
D. Ctrl+Shift+C
Ans. A
__________ opens dialog for specifying uniform colour fills in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+F11
B. Sfift+F11
C. Alt+F11
D. None of these
Ans. B
__________ function key specifies fountain fills for object in CorelDraw.
A. F9
B. F10
C. F11
D. F12
Ans. C
_____________ shows non printing characters in CorelDraw.
A. Ctrl+Shift+X
B. Ctrl+Shift+N
C. Ctrl+Shift+C
D. Ctrl+Shift+L
Ans. C
______ function key is used to dsplay full screen preview of a drawing in CorelDraw.
A. F6
B. F7
C. F8
D. F9
Ans. D
There are two types of graphic files. They are Bitmap and ___________.
A. Vector
B. Image
C. Mono
D. None of these
Ans. A
The common file name extension of a CorelDraw file is ____________.
D. None of these
Ans. B
The __________ contains available commands and settings in CorelDraw.
A. Tool Box
B. Tool Bar
C. Docker
D. None of these
Ans. C
The first version of CorelDraw 2 was released in ____________.
A. 1991
B. 1996
C. 1999
D. 2002
Ans. A
CorelDraw X3 was released in _____________.
A. 2005
B. 2006
C. 2007
D. 2008
Ans. B
CorelDraw X3 is also known as _____________.
A. Version 11
B. Version 12
C. Version 13
D. Version 14
Ans. C
CorelDraw is developed and marketed by Corel Corporation of _________.
A. Canada
D. France
Ans. A
_________ shortcut key is used to show/hide type in Photoshop.
A. Ctrl+K
B. Ctrl+H
C. Ctrl+G
D. Ctrl+D
Ans. B
_________ function key is used to show Action Palette in Photoshop.
A. F8
B. F9
C. F10
D. F11
Ans. B
_________ function key is used to show Colour Palette in Photoshop.
A. F3
B. F4
C. F5
D. F6
Ans. D
_________ function key is used to show Brushes Palette in Photoshop.
A. F3
B. F4
C. F5
D. F6
Ans. C
_________ shortcut key is used to display/hide all palettes in Photoshop.
A. Tab
B. Ctrl+Tab
C. Alt+Tab
D. Shift+Tab
Ans. A
Shortcut key to show/hide Rulers in Photoshop is ___________.
A. Shift+R
B. Ctrl+R
C. Ctrl+Shift+R
D. Ctrl+Alt+R
Ans. B
Shortcut key to select "Eraser Tool" in Photoshop is ___________.
A. D
B. V
C. E
D. K
Ans. C
Shortcut key to select "Hand Tool" in Photoshop is ___________.
A. H
B. F
C. G
D. K
Ans. A
Shortcut key to select "Slice Tool" in Photoshop is ___________.
A. K
B. S
C. H
D. L
Ans. A
Shortcut key to select "Shape Tool" in Photoshop is ___________.
A. T
B. U
C. B
D. R
Ans. B
Shortcut key to select "Blur/Sharpen/Smudge Tool" in Photoshop is ___________.
A. T
B. S
C. B
D. R
Ans. D
Shortcut key to select "Zoom Tool" in Photoshop is ___________.
A. W
B. T
C. M
D. None of these
Ans. D
Shortcut key to select "Magic Wand Tool" in Photoshop is ___________.
A. W
B. T
C. M
D. V
Ans. A
In Photoshop, the Grayscale mode uses ________ shades of gray.
A. 255
B. 256
C. 275
D. 276
Ans. B
In Photoshop, an image is genrerally saved at _______________ resolution.
A. 68 PPI
B. 72 PPI
C. 78 PPI
D. 82 PPI
Ans. B
If the document is unnamed in Photoshop, the name displayed as ________.
A. File-1
B. Document-1
C. Untitled-1
D. None of these
Ans. C
Default file extension of a Photoshop file is ___________.
Ans. A
The ________ tool selects an object by drawing a rectangle arount it in Photoshop.
A. Marquee
B. Lasso
C. Polygonal Lasso
D. Magnetic Lasso
Ans. A
The ________ tool selects an object by drawing a freehand boarder arount it in Photoshop.
A. Marquee
B. Lasso
C. Polygonal Lasso
D. Magnetic Lasso
Ans. B
Every PhotoShop CS3 document contains at least __________ layer(s).
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Ans. A
In PhotoShop, the History palette can store upto __________ stages.
A. 18
B. 20
C. 22
D. 24
Ans. B
PhotoShop is a product of ______________.
A. Microsoft
B. Corel
C. Adobe
D. None of these
Ans. C
PhotoShop is a powerful _________________ program.
A. Graphics Editing
B. Spreadsheet
C. Presentation
D. Word Processing
Ans. A
_________ can be used to print on both the sides of the page in pageMaker.
A. Duplex
B. Thumbnails
C. Collate
D. None of these
Ans. A
There are ________ ways of stacking objects in PageMaker.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. C
__________ is used to arrange a number of objects overlapping in the same layer.
A. Masking
B. Cropping
C. Stacking
D. None of these
Ans. C
PageMaker includes _________ built in tracks from very loose to very tight.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. D
PageMaker provides _________ types of Kerning.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. B
________ adjusts the space between characters in PageMaker.
A. Kerning
B. Laeading
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
________ adjusts the space between lines in PageMaker.
A. Kerning
B. Laeading
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. B
There are _________ different styles for any typeface in PageMaker.
A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
D. 14
Ans. B
The ____________ command is used to scan an image into publication in PageMaker.
A. Export
B. Import
C. Acquire
D. Revert
Ans. C
There are _________ tools in the Toolbox in PageMaker.
A. 12
B. 13
C. 14
D. 15
Ans. D
The _____________ is the background behind the PageMaker document.
A. Pasteboard
B. Image Rate
C. Object
D. None of these
Ans. A
If the document is unnamed in PageMaker, the name displayed as ________.
A. File-1
B. Document-1
C. Untitled-1
D. None of these
Ans. C
PageMaker is available for _____________ systems.
A. Windows
B. Apple Mac
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. C
PageMaker is a product of ______________.
A. Microsoft
B. Corel
C. Adobe
D. None of these
Ans. C
F5 is used to..................
A. Payment Voucher
B. Journal Voucher
C. Purchases
D. Contra Voucher
Ans. A used for contra voucher.
A. F4
B. F7
C. F8
D. F9
Ans. A
Vehicle is a.....................
A. Personal A/c
B. Real A/c
C. Nominal A/c
D. Capital A/c
Ans. B
A................... is a basic recording document.
A. Ledger
B. Transaction
C. Voucher
D. None of these
Ans. C
Tally automatically creates two ledger accounts i.e. Cash a/c and...............
A. Profit and Loss a/c
B. Bank a/c
C. Capital a/c
D. Suspense a/c
Ans. A
Inventory is a type of................
A. Inventory voucher
B. Accounting software
C. Working mode
D. None of these
Ans. C
To Delete the stock group Press ……………
A. Ctrl+D
B. Ctrl+M
C. Alt+D
D. Alt+M
Ans. A
The country with highest GST Rate in the world is ?
A. India
B. China
C. France
D. Australia
Ans. D
Tally is developed by………..
B. Microsoft
C. Petronius
Ans. C
LWP stands for………………
A. Labour Work Policy
B. Labour Welfare Policy
C. Leave Without Pay
D. None of these
Ans. C
Sumptuary Allowance has been given to the ………………………….
A. High Court Judges
B. Supreme Court Judges
C. Both of them
D. None of these
Ans. C
In the Tally Software, Which one of the following directories stores all data enter by the user?
A. Bin
B. Data
C. Database
D. None of these
Ans. B
Which of the following country is the first one to implement GST to reduce tax-evasion?
B. China
C. France
D. Switzerland
Ans. C
All expenses and losses always having …………..
A. Credit balance
B. Debit balance
C. Balance entered in voucher
D. None of these
Ans. B
The option used to exit tally is…………….....
A. Close
B. Exit
C. Quit
D. All of the above
Ans. C
The shortcut key used to print of any report in tally is……………….
A. Alt+P
B. Ctrl+P
C. Ctrl+v
D. None of these
Ans. A
Stock-in-Hand includes..................
A. Materials
B. Stock of Raw
C. Stock of Finished Goods
D. All of the above
Ans. D
What is Stock Summary in inventory?
A. Ledger
B. Report of Party
C. Statement of goods
D. Statement of transaction
Ans. C
The shortcut of Receipt Note Voucher in tally is………...
A. Alt+F9
B. Ctrl+F9
C. Ctrl+F8
D. None of these
Ans. A
The ……..Option is used to view Stock items or Group Summary.
A. Accounts Book
B. Inventory Book
C. Display
D. Statutory Books
Ans. B
We can get the report of interest from………..
A. Account Books
B. Cash & Fund Flow
C. Inventory Book
D. Statement of A/c
Ans. A
We can Cancel a voucher using……………
A. Alt+X
B. Ctrl+X
C. Ctrl+shift+X
D. Shift+X
Ans. A
Single entry is applicable for………………
A. Receipt Voucher
B. Payment Voucher
C. Contra Voucher
D. None of these
Ans. D
What is Compound Unit.........................
A. Dozen
B. Liters
C. Pairs
D. All of the above
Ans. D
What is Unit of measurement……...
A. Measurement of goods
B. Ledger Creation
C. Item Creation
D. All of the above
Ans. A
Once a sub-group is created, It behaves exactly like a...............
A. Ledger
B. Information
C. Groups
D. All of above
Ans. A
Indirect Expenses include...............
A. Administrative expenses
B. Office expenses
C. Selling and Distribution expenses
D. All of above
Ans. D
Stock-in-Hand includes..................
A. Stock of Finished Goods
B. Stock of Raw
C. Materials
D. All
Ans. D
Goodwill is a ...................
A. Investments
B. Fixed Assets
C. Current Assets
D. Liabilities
Ans. B
Current assets have ..................... sub-groups.
A. Four
B. Five
C. Six
D. Seven
Ans. C
There are two types of assets. They are Fixed assets and.............
A. Current assets
B. Provisions
C. Investments
D. None of these
Ans. A
There are ............sub-groups of current liabilities.
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
Ans. A
Paid Rent is related to................
A. Direct expenses
B. Indirect expenses
C. Purchase account
D. Sales account
Ans. B
Loan account group has ...............sub – groups.
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
Ans. A
............... are the sub-groups of current assets.
A. Bank account
B. Deposits
C. Sundry debtors
D. All of these
Ans. D
............ is a primary group.
A. Sundry debtors
B. Bank account
C. Provisions
D. Current assets
Ans. D
There ..............are primary account group and................. are sub-groups.
A. 14, 14
B. 13, 15
C. 15, 13
D. 16, 12
Ans. C
Tally provides a set of ............... pre-defined groups.
A. 25
B. 28
C. 30
D. 36
Ans. B
At the time of company creation, Tally creates two accounts. They are cash A/C and..............
A. Trading A/C
B. Profit and Loss A/C
C. Balance sheet
D. Capital A/C
Ans. B
.................. button is used to access the company features for a company.
A. F10
B. F11
C. F12
D. F9
Ans. B
............ Function key is used to access the configuration settings in Tally.
A. F2
B. F3
C. F11
D. F12
Ans. D
To delete a company IN Tally, press...............
A. Alt+C
B. Alt+D
C. Alt+W
D. Alt+M
Ans. B
You can use the select company option using …………….. button.
A. F1
B. F3
C. F5
D. F7
Ans. A
When creating a company, Tally creates the drive.
A. Folder
B. Directory
C. Sub- directory
D. File
Ans. B
By default the number of decimals places for the base currency is................
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. A
In account only ................... is not calculated by Tally.
A. Opening stock
B. Closing stock
C. Capital
D. None of these
Ans. D
Accounts only is used to maintain only the....................... transaction of the company.
A. Financial
B. Inventory
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
To open Help in Tally, press......................
A. Alt+C
B. Alt+H
C. Ctrl+A
D. Alt+W
Ans. B
Tally logo is displayed at the.............. of the Top area.
A. Right
B. Left
C. Centre
D. Bottom
Ans. B
First time when you start Tally, you would require to ...................... a company.
A. Select
B. Create
C. Restore
D. None of these
Ans. B
Windows come with two applications that play sound. They are Media Player and _____________.
A. Sound Recorder
B. Xing Player
C. Wave Studio
D. 3D Studio
Ans. A
PageMaker provides _________ types of Kerning.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. B
In Photoshop, the Grayscale mode uses ________ shades of gray.
A. 255
B. 256
C. 275
D. 276
Ans. B
CorelDraw X3 is also known as _____________.
A. Version 11
B. Version 12
C. Version 13
D. Version 14
Ans. C
CorelDraw is developed and marketed by Corel Corporation of _________.
A. Canada
D. France
Ans. A
In PhotoShop, the History palette can store upto __________ stages.
A. 18
B. 20
C. 22
D. 24
Ans. B
PageMaker is a powerful ______________ application.
A. Spreadsheet
B. Word Processing
C. Database
D. None of these
Ans. D
MySQL is one of the best ____________________.
C. Spreadsheet
D. All of the above
Ans. B
To delete the current record, use _________ button.
A. Delete Record
B. Delete
C. Erase Record
D. Erase
Ans. A
We can get the report of interest from...............................
A. Account Books
B. Cash & Fund Flow
C. Inventory Book
D. Statement of A/c
Ans. A
We can Cancel a voucher using.............................
A. Alt+X
B. Ctrl+X
C. Ctrl+shift+X
D. Shift+X
Ans. A
Single entry is applicable for.............................
A. Receipt Voucher
B. Payment Voucher
C. Contra Voucher
D. None of these
Ans. D
What is Compound Unit.........................
A. Dozen
B. Liters
C. Pairs
D. All of the above
Ans. D
What is Unit of measurement.............................
A. Measurement of goods
B. Ledger Creation
C. Item Creation
D. All of the above
Ans. A
In account only ................... is not calculated by Tally.
A. Opening stock
B. Closing stock
C. Capital
D. None of these
Ans. D
PageMaker is a powerful ______________ application.
A. Spreadsheet
B. Word Processing
C. Database
D. None of these
Ans. D
The base of Binary number is .............................
A. 2
B. 4
C. 8
D. 10
Ans. A
The word "Computer" derived from the Greek word ............................
A. Calculate
B. Compute
C. Computing
D. Calculating
Ans. B
The binary 1011 is equivalent to decimal ..............................
A. 11
B. 4
C. 5
D. 10
Ans. A
The period of first generation is ...............................
A. 1842-1855
B. 1855-1864
C. 1942-1955
D. None
Ans. C
The ............................. is logically positioned between the internal memory and main memory
A. Primary Memory
B. Auxiliary Memory
C. Cache Memory
D. None
Ans. C
The virus that spread in application software is called as .............................
A. Boot virus
B. Macro virus
C. File virus
D. Anti virus
Ans. B
What is the name of first computer virus?
A. The famous
B. Harlie
C. Param
D. Creeper
Ans. D
DOS stands for _______________________.
A. Dirty Operating System
B. Disk Operating System
C. Dynamic Operating System
D. Dual Operating System
Ans. B
The first version of DOS was 1.0 and was launched in _____________
A. 1980
B. 1981
C. 1982
D. 1983
Ans. B
___________ commands are loaded in the memory while booting the system.
A. Internal
B. External
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
VER command of MS-DOS displays the current version of ______________.
A. Command
B. System
D. Computer
Ans. C
Every disk has one basic directory, called __________________.
A. DOS Directory
B. Prompt Directory
C. First Directory
D. Root Directory
Ans. D
MS-Windows is a/an ...................................
A. System Software
B. Application Software
C. Hardware Program
D. Utility Program
Ans. A
GUI Stands for..........................
A. Graph Utility Interchange
B. Graphical Utility Interchange
C. Graphical User Interface
D. Graph User Interface
Ans. C
OS Stands for..........................
A. Original System
B. Operating Software
C. Operating System
D. Original Software
Ans. C
Every disk has one basic directory, called __________________.
A. DOS Directory
B. Prompt Directory
C. First Directory
D. Root Directory
Ans. D
The extension of a picture file is ..............................
D. None of these
Ans. C
Shortcut of Paste command in WordPad is ................................
A. Ctrl+C
B. Ctrl+X
C. Ctrl+V
D. Ctrl+Z
Ans. C
............................... is used to switch between open programs in Windows.
A. Alt+Tab
B. Ctrl+Tab
C. Shift+Tab
D. None of these
Ans. A
............................... Function key is used to refresh the active window.
A. F1
B. F3
C. F5
D. F7
Ans. C
The _________ is the control center for MS-Word.
A. Ribbon
B. Status Bar
C. Tab
D. Ruler
Ans. A
A file name can have a maximum of ________ characters in MS-Word 2010.
A. 32
B. 100
C. 260
D. 1024
Ans. C
MS-Word has _______ Rulers.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. A
In MS-Word, to move to the left one word, press ________________ .
A. Left Arrow
B. Ctrl+Left Arrow
C. Alt+Left Arrow
D. Ctrl+Home
Ans. B
An Excel file is called a _________________.
A. File
B. Document
C. Worksheet
D. Workbook
Ans. D
In MS-Word, a file is known as a ____________________.
A. Project
B. File
C. Document
D. Workbook
Ans. C
By default, Excel positions text in a cell __________________.
A. Left
B. Right
C. Centre
D. Justify
Ans. A
By default, Excel positions number in a cell __________________.
A. Left
B. Right
C. Centre
D. Justify
Ans. B
The status bar appears at the ____________ of the Excel window.
A. Left
B. Right
C. Top
D. Bottom
Ans. D
The default view for a worksheet is ___________________.
A. Basic View
B. Page View
C. Normal View
D. Standard View
Ans. C
WAN stands for ________________.
A. Wide Area Network
B. World Area Network
C. Web Area Network
D. None of these
Ans. A
First time when you start Tally, you would require to ...................... a company.
A. Select
B. Create
C. Restore
D. None of these
Ans. B
Tally logo is displayed at the.............. of the Top area.
A. Right
B. Left
C. Centre
D. Bottom
Ans. B
To open Help in Tally, press......................
A. Alt+C
B. Alt+H
C. Ctrl+A
D. Alt+W
Ans. B
Accounts only is used to maintain only the....................... transaction of the company.
A. Financial
B. Inventory
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
The twisted pair cables contain _________ wires.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 6
Ans. A
______________ cables are used in telephone connections.
A. Co-axial
B. Fibre Optic
C. Twisted Pair
D. None of these
Ans. C
NIC stands for ____________________.
A. Network Interface Card
B. Network Internet Card
C. Network Interface Cable
D. Network Internet Cable
Ans. A
__________ is a part of Multimedia.
A. Animation
B. Still Images
C. Video
D. All of these
Ans. D
Multimedia contains ___________ files.
A. Audio
B. Video
C. Text
D. All of these
Ans. D
HTML editors fall into ________ general categories.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. A
__________ is an HTML editor.
A. Notepad
B. Google Chrome
C. Internet Explorer
D. Mozilla Firefox
Ans. A
____________ function key is used to open Save As dialog box in Powerpoint.
A. F9
B. F10
C. F11
D. F12
Ans. D
_____________ shows a ranking relationship between data.
A. Matrix
B. Pyramid
C. Hierarchy
D. Cycle
Ans. C
_____________ determines the manner in which an object appears on slide.
A. Transitions
B. Animation
C. Theme
D. None of these
Ans. B
A _____________ is a set of colours, fonts and special effects.
A. Theme
B. Animation
C. Transition
D. None of these
Ans. A
In Excel, maxixmum _____________ worksheets can be added
A. 100
B. 255
C. 1024
D. No Limit
Ans. B
There are __________ scroll bars in MS-Excel.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 1
Ans. A
The ___________ feature of Excel fills a series of data in a worksheet.
A. Auto Fill
B. Filling
C. Cell Reference
D. Auto Cell
Ans. A
_________ are pop-up notes that can be inserted into the worksheet.
A. Remarks
B. Notes
C. Comments
D. Cell Info
Ans. C
In Excel, a formula begins with _________ symbol.
A. Dollar
B. Ampersand
C. Plus
D. None of these
Ans. C
The basic feature of an electronic spreadsheed application is __________.
A. Auto Fill
B. Auto Sum
C. Auto Re-Calculation
D. Formulae
Ans. C
A __________ is a graphical representation of data.
A. Pivot Table
B. Solver
C. Spreadsheet
D. Chart
Ans. D
An Excel file is called a _________________.
A. File
B. Document
C. Worksheet
D. Workbook
Ans. D
A __________ is a predefined format settings in MS-Word.
A. Wizard
B. Form Letter
C. Cover Letter
D. Template
Ans. D
To create a hanging indent in MS-Word, press _____________ shortcut keys.
A. Ctrl+M
B. Ctrl+T
C. Ctrl+H
D. Ctrl+2
Ans. B
In MS-Word, to capitalize all selected words, press _______________.
Ans. A
In MS-Word, a file is known as a ____________________.
A. Project
B. File
C. Document
D. Workbook
Ans. C
In MS-Word, to move to the left one word, press ________________ .
A. Left Arrow
B. Ctrl+Left Arrow
C. Alt+Left Arrow
D. Ctrl+Home
Ans. B
My Computer, My Document, Network Neighborhood, and Recycle Bin are...........................
A. Shortcut Icons
B. Program Icons
C. System Icons
D. Document Icons
Ans. C
By Default taskbar appears at the .............. of the desktop screen.
A. Top
B. Bottom
C. Left
D. Right
Ans. B
The first Screen appears on monitor is called...................
A. Icons
B. Desktop
C. Task Bar
D. Title Bar
Ans. B
Windows 2000 professional was the upgraded version of.......................
A. Windows 98
B. Windows XP
C. Windows Millennium Edition
D. Windows NT workstation 4.0
Ans. D
Input, Output or Storing devices are the types of
B. Peripheral Devices
C. Storing Devices
D. None
Ans. B
Viruses which executes when computer starts is
A. Macro
B. File Infector
C. Boot Sector
D. Salami Shaving
Ans. C
The manipulation of data is called the ..
A. Processing
B. Inputting
C. Outputting
D. Storing
Ans. A
GIGO stands for
A. Garbage Input Garbage Out
B. Garbage In Garbage Output
C. Garbage In Garbage Out
D. Garbage In Goal Out
Ans. C
A Computer can perform ..operations.
A. Airthmetic
B. Logical
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. C
Charles Babbage was invented types of computer.
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Ans. B
The word Computer derived from the Greek word
A. Calculate
B. Compute
C. Computing
D. Calculating
Ans. B
The first version of DOS was 1.0 and was launched in _____________.
A. 1980
B. 1981
C. 1982
D. 1983
Ans. choos
MS-Word has _______ Rulers.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans. A
A file name can have a maximum of ________ characters in MS-Word 2010.
A. 32
B. 100
C. 260
D. 1024
Ans. C
____________ is a Multi-User Operating System.
A. Windowsw NT
B. Linux
C. Unix
D. All of these
Ans. choos
____________ provides an interface between the user and the hardware.
B. OS/2
D. Operating System
Ans. choos
DOS supports _____________ at a time.
A. Single User
B. Single Task
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. C
The _________ is the control center for MS-Word.
A. Ribbon
B. Status Bar
C. Tab
D. Ruler
Ans. A
DOS is a _________________ Operating System.
A. Single User
B. Multi User
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
DOS has been developed by Microsoft Corporation of _________________.
C. Germany
D. Japan
Ans. choos
DOS stands for _______________________.
A. Dirty Operating System
B. Disk Operating System
C. Dynamic Operating System
D. Dual Operating System
Ans. B
Viruses which executes when computer starts is .........................
A. Macro
B. File Infector
C. Boot Sector
D. Salami Shaving
Ans. C
Example(s) of computer anti-virus program is / are .........................
A. Norton
B. MacAfee
C. Dr. Solomon Toolkit
D. All of these
Ans. D
What is the name of first computer virus?
A. The famous
B. Harlie
C. Param
D. Creeper
Ans. D
The virus that spread in application software is called as __________.
A. Boot virus
B. Macro virus
C. File virus
D. Anti virus
Ans. C
CD-R stands for __________.
A. Compact Disk – Reader
B. Compact Disk – Right
C. Compact Disk – Recordable
D. None
Ans. A
A Modem is a/an ____________________.
A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Application
D. Tool
Ans. B
Which one is a Search Engine?
A. Yahoo!
B. Alta Vista
C. HotBot
D. All of these
Ans. D
The ____________ command breaks the connection to the Server.
A. Break
B. Exit
C. Logout
D. Quit
Ans. C
The _________________ is a head of a computer network.
A. Programmer
B. Application User
C. Data Entry Operator
D. System Administrator
Ans. D
Win Amp is used to play all types of ____________ files.
A. Audio
B. Video
C. Animation
D. All of these
Ans. A
The speed at which the Animated images are displayed is called ________.
A. Time Rate
B. Image Rate
C. Frame Rate
D. Picture Rate
Ans. C
TIFF stands for ____________________.
A. Total Image File Format
B. Tagged Image File Format
C. Total Interchange File Format
D. Tagged Interchange File Format
Ans. B
___________ tag defines a bulleted list of items.
A. <BL>
B. <BUL>
D. <UL>
Ans. D
___________ tag displays the text exactly in the same way as you typed it.
B. <PRE>
D. None of these
Ans. B
_______________ shortcut key is used to find a text in PowerPoint.
A. Ctrl+G
B. Ctrl+H
C. Ctrl+D
D. Ctrl+F
Ans. D
_____________ shows relationship within businesses, families etc.
A. Matrix
B. Pyramid
C. Organisation Chart
D. Cycle
Ans. C
In PowerPoint, Spell check can be performed by _______ function key.
A. F5
B. F6
C. F7
D. F8
Ans. C
___________ function returns the current system date & time in Excel.
A. Date()
B. Now()
C. Day()
D. None of these
Ans. B
The small black square located in the lower-right corner of the heavy border around the active cell is called the ______________.
A. Range
B. Fill Handle
C. Source Area
D. Relative Reference
Ans. B
There are _______________ rows in MS-Excel 2007.
A. 65536
B. 1048576
C. 1052378
D. 1032372
Ans. B
Len ( ) is a _____________ function.
A. Text
B. Logical
C. Mathematical
D. Financial
Ans. A
The intersection of a row and a column is called a ____________.
A. Cell
B. Sheet
C. Page
D. Section
Ans. A
____________ shortcut key is used to close a document in Word.
A. Ctrl+W
B. Ctrl+D
C. Ctrl+K
D. None of these
Ans. A
Comments appear in ___________ color in the Code window.
A. Green
B. Red
C. Blue
D. Black
Ans. A
________ orientation means the short edge of the paper is across the top.
A. Normal
B. Landscape
C. Portrait
D. None of these
Ans. C
BAT is the Extension of
A. Internet Files
B. Executable Files
C. Animation Files
D. None of these
Ans. D
Shortcut of Redo command in WordPad is
A. Ctrl+Z
B. Ctrl+X
C. Ctrl+D
D. Ctrl+Y
Ans. D
Shortcut of Undo command in WordPad is
A. Ctrl+C
B. Ctrl+X
C. Ctrl+V
D. Ctrl+Z
Ans. D
EXE is the Extension of
A. Internet Files
B. Executable Files
C. Animation Files
D. Video Files
Ans. B
In Windows, opened programs are displayed on the.
A. Task Bar
B. Status Bar
C. Desktop
D. Title Bar
Ans. A
Notepad is a ........................... program.
A. Word Processor
B. Text Editor
C. Operating System
D. System Software
Ans. B
OS makes a bridge between ..
A. Hardware & Software
B. OS & Applications
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Ans. A
To close any application, press...................
A. Ctrl+F4
B. Ctrl+Alt+Del
C. Ctrl+Alt+F4
D. Alt+F4
Ans. D
______________ command is used to create a new file in DOS.
D. None of these
Ans. D
Warm Booting is the process of _____________ the computer.
A. Shut Down
B. Start
C. Re-Start
D. All of these
Ans. C
___________ command is used to moov one directory back in MS-Dos.
A. CD.
B. CD..
C. MD.
D. MD..
Ans. B
Originally, DOS had been created by ___________________.
A. Tim Paterson
B. Bill Gates
C. Mark Zuckerberg
D. Steve Jobs
Ans. A
In DOS, a file name extension can have ___________ characters long.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 6
D. 8
Ans. B
The period of first generation is .........................
A. 1842-1855
B. 1855-1864
C. 1942-1955
D. None
Ans. C
Originally, the term "generation" was used to distinguish between varying .........................
A. Software
B. Hardware
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. A
The Computer Generation is classified into .........................categories.
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
Ans. C
Advantages of computers are ...........................
A. Speed
B. Accuracy
C. Diligence
D. All
Ans. D
.........................was the first all electronic computer designed by Professor J.Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
Ans. D
The Difference Engine was based on the ..........................principle.
A. Mathematical
B. Statically
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. A
The first mechanical adding machine was invented by Blaise Pascal in .........................
A. 1642
B. 1742
C. 1842
D. 1942
Ans. A
Abacus also known as .....................................
A. Sorobon
B. Napier Bones
C. Pascal
D. None
Ans. A
The first calculating device known as ..................................
A. Analytical Engine
B. Abacus
C. Pascaline
D. Univac
Ans. B
The mark I calculator performing..........................basic arithmetic operations.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
Ans. A
The manipulation of data is called the ..............................
A. Processing
B. Inputting
C. Outputting
D. Storing
Ans. A
GIGO stands for..................................
A. Garbage Input Garbage Out
B. Garbage In Garbage Output
C. Garbage In Garbage Out
D. Garbage In Goal Out
Ans. C
UNIVAC stands for......................
A. Universal Automatic Computer
B. Universal Automatic Compute
C. Universal Advance Computer
D. None
Ans. B
Charles Babbage was invented...........................types of computer.
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Ans. B
Computers are used in .........................
A. Education
B. Banking
C. Business
D. All
Ans. D
A Computer can perform ..................operations.
A. Airthmetic
B. Logical
C. Both A & B
D. None
Ans. C
The word "Computer" derived from the Greek word ............................
A. Calculate
B. Compute
C. Computing
D. Calculating
Ans. B
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