Name Description Duration
ADCA Advance Diploma in Computer Application 12
ADCA Plus Advance Diploma in Computer Application Plus 12
ADCP Advance Diploma in Computer Programming 12
ADCPA Advance Diploma in Computer Programming & Accounting 12
ADCSM Advance diploma in Computer Software & Management 15
ADCT Advance Diploma In Cutting Tailoring 6
ADFD Advance Diploma in Fashion Designing 12
ADHN Advance Diploma in Hardware & Networking 12
ADHNP Advance Diploma in Hardware Networking & Programming 18
ADHT Advance Diploma in Hardware Technology 12
ADIT Advance Diploma in Information Technology 12
ADMG Advance Diploma in Multimedia Graphics 12
ADWD Advance Diploma in Wed Designing 12
Advance Excel Advance Excel 1
Autocad Autocad 6
Autocad Autocad Civil 3
Autocad Autocad Mechanical 12
CAFA Certificate in Advance Financial Accounting 4
CCA Certificate in Computer Application 3
CFA Certificate in Financial Accounting 6
CFA Certificate in Financial Accounting 3
CIFA Certificate in Financial Accounting 6
CFAD Certificate in Financial Accounting & Publication 6
Computer Typing Computer Typing 3
Computer Typing Computer Typing 6
Computer Typing Computer Typing 2
Computer Typing Computer Typing 12
DTP Desktop Publishing 6
DBHS Diploma in Beautician and Hair Styling 12
DCA Diploma in Computer Application 6
DCAP Diploma in Computer Application & Publication 9
DCP Diploma in Computer Programming 3
DCP Diploma in Computer Programming 6
DCS Diploma in Computer Science 12
DCTT Diploma in Computer Teacher Training (DCTT) 12
DCTDM Diploma in Cutting, Tailoring and Dress Making 12
DDTP Diploma in Deshktop Publishing 9
DFA Diploma in Financial Accounting 6
DFA Diploma in Financial Accounting 9
DHN Diploma in Hardware Networking 6
DHNM Diploma in Hardware Networking & Management 12
DHNT Diploma in Hardware Networking Technology 12
DHT Diploma in Hardware Technology 6
DIT Diploma in Information Technology 9
DMG Diploma in Multimedia Graphics 6
DOAE Diploma in Office Administration Executive 12
DOA Diploma in Office Automation 9
DWD Diploma in Web Designing 6
HDCA Higher Diploma in Computer Application 12
HDIT Higher Diploma in Information Technology 18
HDITSM Higher Diploma in Information Technology & System Management 18
HTML Hypertext Markup Language 1
MRC Mobile Repair Course 3
C ++ Programming in C ++ 2
SEF Speak English Fast 4
Web Designer Web Designer 6